21 - The Pin

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    Fay looked around quickly, seeing the all-too familiar scene in front of her. It was too close . . . Everything was overlapping. The humid, horrid heat and the relentless sun as her mother pressed on the brakes, the nightmarish images in front of them. She groaned as she slipped out of the truck, jogging over to the broken silver car, glancing back at the offending vehicle, the one that had caused this . . .

    The large semi absent of a driver. She glared at it, turning back to the burning vehicle. The semi was burning, too, but what did it matter to her? She ran to the smaller car, fiddling with the doors, which were wedged shut. She tried her hardest not to look at their faces, no matter how much she wanted to. She didn’t need those images sticking with her through morning.

“Come on . . . I can do this . . .” She murmured, tying the other side. Nothing. Fay dug her nails into the glass window, finally letting herself stare at their lifeless faces. “I can do this . . . I promise I will . . . One of these days I won’t fail!”

Blue eyes flicked to her, those of the driver, then the passenger. Her breath caught, the older man and younger looking at her.

“No . . . Stop . . .” She whispered, then her voice became a screaming as she struck her fist against the glass. “I’m trying! Stop looking at me like that!” She shuddered as the eyes of the younger man, and reluctantly the older, looked past her instead of at her, slightly to her side.

She heard the footsteps again, louder this time, a shadow cast across the car as the figure got closer. Fay swallowed, tensing slightly, looking at their bloody and bruised, freshly burnt faces.

“Th-that’s not Mom, is it . . . ?” The eyes of the black haired man, the older one, the driver looked at her slowly, his head shaking just slightly, the gesture barely noticeable. The mouth of the younger man, the one with the platinum hair, opened slowly. His voice wasn’t working, but his eyes pleaded with her as he mouthed the word ‘Run’.

Farrah wasn’t sure why she obeyed him, but she did, she jumped onto the hood of the car as she tried to get away, leaping off and heading towards the ditch. She didn’t make it far when an impact felt like it snapped her bones, the momentum of the object sending her the way she was headed. She gasped for breath, shaking as she slowly began to stand on unsteady feet. She glimpsed up at the road, where the sleek cop car sat, facing her.

She swallowed, not sure what had exactly had just happened, but obviously she wasn’t safe here. She looked up at the silver car, just in time to see it burst. Fay winced, pressing her lips together tightly. “I tried . . .” She said quietly, her attention being yanked back to the danger her dream presented when the engine of the black and white car revved dangerously, daring her to move.

“I am dreaming . . .” She said softly, staring at it as it slowly descended into the grass. “I am dreaming . . . I can wake whenever I please . . .” It got closer slowly when Fay noticed the driver vanish. Her breath caught in her throat for a moment.

The tires spun, ripping up grass and mud as it sped towards her. Fay shrieked, jumping to the side and it flew past, tires turning in the soft turf as it stopped, engine revving again, in a way that she wanted to classify as anger, but stopped herself. She shook, blinking as she watched it.

“I-I can wake whenever I please . . .”

The engine grew loud as the tires sloshed in the moist ground as it tore towards her. She was so absorbed in the sight that she never noticed the man standing on the road watching them.

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