4 - Holoforms

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"Officer! Officer arrest this man!" She screeched, struggling against him, but he held her firm, looking rather . . . amused . . . He had some nerve showing his face around here. She knew exactly who had attacked her since he'd been stupid enough to show himself right after the crime. "Officer, this man attacked me! Arrest him now!"

His hand came to her shoulder calmly, and the stranger's grip relaxed. "Young lady, I think we should talk in private."

She scowled deeply, staring the strange man down. Her eyes were fierce and flaming, his were calm and cool. She hated him for that. The cocky attitude, like he was too good to be caught. But she knew better, of course she knew better . . .

"What the hell do you mean 'he saved me'?!"

The officer had coerced her back into the room, and she sat back on the bed again, uncomfortable in the hospital gown. Thank goodness her gym bag had been brought with so she could cover up something.

"Well, Miss, he was the one we received the 911 call from. When we arrived on the scene, he was still there, sitting next to you, making sure you were breathing and all. He insisted on coming with to the hospital to make sure you were okay. The doctor confirmed that your lungs had filled with water, and had it not been for him, you probably would've stayed that way."

"That creep gave me mouth to mouth?!"

"That man saved your life."

"After he tried to end it!"

The officer sighed. He was in his thirties or so, brown hair and dark eyes, a few wrinkles on his forehead that creased when every time she yelled, crow's feet too evident for a man his age. It was the stress of the job. Fay knew they saw nightmares come to life some days, and it was horrid. And here she was, a nineteen-year-old girl who should be praising a stranger who had saved her life. Instead, she accused him of attempted murder with no signs of gratitude.

She felt horrid. Not for the man who she still felt certain had something dark going on, but for the officer whose job she was making that much harder. Fay frowned, looking down and taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, Sir. But I really don't remember anything. Why don't you ask the man?"

"He couldn't get a good look at the suspect. Says the guy ran when he came along. All he did was make the call and clear your lungs." The officer sounded frustrated even as he said it. It was a small town. This sort of thing was pretty much unheard of. A minor car crash was a bit of a big deal. She remembered when a twelve-year-old boy accidentally killed himself with a shotgun. He was suspected to be trying to re-enact some video game and it had gone wrong. His parents left town and were never heard from again.

She sighed softly, trying to keep it under her breath. "I'm sorry, Officer. If I think of anything, I'll give you a call."

He nodded, slipping her a paper with his number on it. "I hope you can think of something. I don't want this guy finding someone without a guardian angel looking after them."

She tried to hold back a scowl . . . with about a 90% success rate before she mustered a sad smile. "I sure hope not, Sir."

He nodded to her. "I'll send him in now." He then left the room, too abruptly for her to protest, and in walked the man she wished so horribly would just go away.

He nodded to her, in a fashion similar to the officer before he'd left. She scowled deeply, crossing her arms, glaring at him. She pulled her legs up towards her chest, feeling very much like a cornered animal as he walked so casually around the room, examining useless details, his face soft, relaxed.

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