28 - Path of Destruction

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    “Not tonight,” Fay murmured as the scene materialized in front of her. Flames licking the car, the bodies inside. Her night had been frustrating enough, and now this . . . ? She wasn’t going to let it happen tonight. She had to do something other than just watch or hope the windows would somehow liquify and let her hands pass through to pull them out.

    Spotting the fire truck, sledgehammer nearby, Fay rushed towards it, turning to ram her shoulder into the invisible wall that had kept her out last time. She felt it pulse as it attempted to hold her back, but not tonight. She wouldn’t accept failure tonight. She wouldn’t lose them tonight. Slowly, she slid through the wall, falling to her hands and knees once she was through. She fumbled to get a hold of the metal and wooden object.

    Fay held it in both hands as she stood, walking back to the invisible wall, pushing hard to get through, slowly slipping through it like honey, slow moving but made of liquid. It took a few seconds but once she was out, she scowled, eyeing the car as she shifted the hammer to one hand. Within moments she was sprinting towards the car, jumping onto the hood as she struck the metal against the glass windshield, tiny clear shards flying from the impact as it cracked.

    “Not tonight!” She screamed, raising the sledgehammer again, bringing it down on the breaking glass, causing it to shatter and implode into miniscule pieces of potentially severed arteries. Fay tossed the hammer aside, crouching down and reaching in to grab her father, sliding him out of the car through the largely empty space where the windshield had been a few seconds ago. She slid him down the hood, laying him on the pavement.

    He never moved a muscle. She frowned, breathing heavily as she stood back on the front of the car, shards of glass crunching under her shoes as she dug him out. She slid moved him next to her father, laying them both gently, about ten feet from the car.

    It made that signature ‘pop’ like motion as the car burst. Debris scattered around the area as Fay watched her father and brother, waiting for any sign of life. None came. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, one filled with smoky air. She closed her eyes, wishing it would all just stop so she could have a few moments with them. “Is that so much to ask . . . ?” She whispered, but her voice was edged out by a revving engine.

    When she looked back, the unmanned cop car sat there. Just . . . staring at her, almost. She scowled at the sight of it. “Not tonight,” she repeated in a low voice as she stood, taking a few steps to where she’d tossed the sledgehammer. The car’s tires spun as it sped towards her. Fay’s heart skipped a beat and she jumped, hitting the windshield on her side as it swept under her, rolling off the back of the car and hitting the pavement with a ‘crack’.

    Fay gasped for air a few moments, the ghost car watching as she stood on shaky legs. “So that’s how you wanna play it, huh . . . ?” She was closer to the sledgehammer now, and she wasn’t ready to give up without a fight. “Come and get it . . .” She closed the distance between her and the sledgehammer in a short-lived sprint. Tires squealed on pavement as the black and white vehicle tore after her.

    She turned with a second to spare before swinging the sledgehammer into the headlight, moving inches to avoid being struck a second time. Glass shattered as the impact tore through to the metal beneath the headlight. The car hit it’s brakes, swerving in a tight turn. Fay ran forward and jumped, bring the sledgehammer down on the car’s windshield in a rough impact, glass falling into tiny shards.

    “All right,” a very irritated, deep and electronic-tinged voice said. Fay fell backward, sledgehammer landing at her side as the car’s form shifted, changing. Metal clinking on metal as it slipped from a car, to a humanoid, upright bipedal creature. Fay’s breath caught in her throat as it stared down at her.

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