26 - Mt. Olympus

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A/N: Mt. Olympus is a real place. I've added a video of Hades that you can watch to know what I'm talking about, as well as an image of the seats. Enjoy <3 


    The drive passed quietly for the most part, a few games of ‘I Spy’ intervening in the spaces of silence, as well as the occasional need for directions. Every time the black-haired man asked where he should be heading, Fay rolled her eyes with a sigh before informing him. Every so often, she shifted, moving a foot on the dashboard.  When they got off on their exit, the energy rose. The drove through Wisconsin Dells, the place buzzing with activity.

    “Okay, so maybe coming here on a Saturday wasn’t the greatest idea,” Charlie admitted. “But it’ll be worth it.”

    “We should hit Hades first before it gets closed due to overactivity and the heat. That thing’s gotta be zipping like a demon. Anyone have coupons for a chiropractor?” Fay added with a grin. It would hurt. That was kind of a given, especially on a day like today, but it’d be worth it. Maybe.

    “You don’t need a chiropractor,” Lucas told her, smiling. “I can work out any knots after this. Especially for Char, isn’t that right?”

    Fay laughed softly, rolling her eyes as Charlie agreed. “Sure you can, Baby.”

    “What about broken bones? I think those are kind of beyond your expertise,” Fay said sarcastically.

    “Same as a chiropractor,” Lucas retorted, smile steady.

    Fay chuckled, shrugging. “Fine. Point Lucas. Whatever.” She had to go back to directing Optimus through town. The traffic was a pain, but thankfully it was lunch hour, giving them a bit of space when they got to the Mt. Olympus parking lot. They could hear screams as carts from the tallest roller coaster point dropped, rolling down the tracks under the parking lot.

    It reappeared a moment later, zipping along the enclosed tracks on the far end of the lot, going through a corkscrew twist, a few turns and sliding back under the pavement, vanishing from view.

    Fay grinned. It was going incredibly fast today, and that meant a heavy dose of whiplash with it. It was debatable if it was really worth it, but that was what they’d come for. Well, they’d come for the entirety of the park, but Fay wanted the largest coaster under the day’s activity belt. “Hope you’re not a wuss,” she prodded gently, throwing Optimus a glance as he came to a stop, having to pay the five dollars for parking.

    He gave a small smile, a short-lived chuckle escaping him. “I think I’ll be fine. Thank you for your concern, Farrah.” She smiled, shrugging.

    “Whatever, Jeeves.”

    Charlie snickered in the back seat. “Would you two stop flirting like you’re in kindergarten already?”

    Fay lowered her gaze, looking back at Charlotte. “Girl, once again, I remind you that if you weren’t who you are and my best friend ever, you would have a serious bruise.”

    “And you keep telling me this like I’m NOT exploiting that fact. Dupa.”

    Fay laughed, turning back around in her seat as Optimus parked the truck and his true form, turning off the engine. It took plenty of rehearsal to get the timing exactly right every time he ‘started’ and ‘stopped’ the engine with the key. Fay quickly slipped out of the truck, fumbling with the front seat as she attempted to adjust it, failing a few tries before Optimus walked over, showing her how to move the lever precisely and adjust the seat.

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