35 - Sore Shots

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    Fay groaned, a hand to her head. It was pounding. Achingly sore. She swore spots were crossing her vision, the few times she managed to open her eyes. It was like the world’s volume and brightness were increased tenfold and she couldn’t turn it off. She couldn’t even get a real sense of where she was. Or even if she was standing, sitting, or lying down. “O-Optimus . . . ? Charlie . . . ? Mom . . . ? Somebody . . . ?”

    Suddenly, the faint buzz of activity that had come to her ears paused. All that was left was that devastatingly loud silence. It seemed worse than the actual noise, actually. It was frustrating and horrible. “Anybody . . . ?” She tried to open her eyes, only to have a powerful hand cover them. She didn’t fight it. The darkness they provided felt so good. Too good to fight against. “Please don’t hurt me . . .” She breathed the words quietly, moving just enough to know she was held down. Every slight movement made her ache.

    “Please go back to sleep . . .” Fay froze. She knew that voice. She’d know it anywhere. After all the nightmares, the memories . . . How could she not? That voice had given her so many thoughts and daydreams. Especially when she was younger. “Go back to sleep, Fair . . . It’ll hurt less . . .”

    “Daddy . . . ?” She breathed quietly, struggling against the binds, even though it caused an immensely sharp pain to echo through her limbs. “What’s going on? Why can’t I look at you? What are you doing to me?” Every word felt like a battle, it’s own private war. But she could win each one if it meant her father was near. He was the one giving her that blissfully horrid darkness. She wanted to see him. She had to.

    “Go back to sleep, Fair. Trust me and rest. Trust your father.”

    Her lips curled slowly as she relaxed back into the bed, what she presumed was some sort of medical bed, at least. Seeing as she couldn’t rest. A tear slid out of her eyes, a sob shaking her chest. “You’re . . .”

    “I’m not . . . You’re dreaming, Fair . . . You need to go back to sleep to wake up . . . When you do, you’ll be back in your bedroom . . . Safe . . . Trust me . . . You know I’d never lie to you, Fair . . . Rest up, Fair Meadows . . . Please . . .”

    She couldn’t have if she’d wanted to. Her body was in distress. Her mind was in distress. “Dad, please! Please . . . I miss you so much . . . I just want to see you . . .  Can’t I . . . ?” A few more sobs slithered through her, a few more tears sliding down her cheeks. She wanted so little, and yet it was so much to him. She could feel him tense, heard his breathing as he fought to control it, as well as his emotions. She suspected he wasn’t even capable of looking at her right now.

    “I’m sorry, Fay . . . I can’t . . . Not now . . . Maybe someday you can . . .”

    “Dad . . . ?”

    “Don’t fight it, Fair . . . Promise me you won’t fight this time . . . This is going to help you . . .”

    “Da-!” The word devolved into an animalistic shriek as a sharp prick came to her thigh. Cold metal pierced the skin and fluid slipped in. But it wasn’t her father. He still held her. One hand over her eyes. Another gripping her hand gently. “Make it stop! Dad please! I promise I’ll be good! Just make it stop! Daddy it hurts! I’m sorry! I won’t do anything wrong ever again! I’ll be a good girl!”

    His hand tensed around hers, providing little comfort as her rate of breath increased, trying desperately to get free of the binds, trying to get away from the sharp pain in her leg. The metal was removed, but not soon enough. Fay began to sob, the pain finally beginning to ebb, the remainder still hitting hard. “Please . . . Make it stop . . .”

Transformers ( Bayverse ) - I Bleed When I Fall DownWhere stories live. Discover now