11 - Court

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    Charlie frowned, mixing the batter in the kitchen, the pan already prepared for the oven. She couldn’t believe this. Optimus, that idiot, had actually run off. He hadn’t shown up in nearly a week. She knew her warning had been quite blunt with him, but she figured it was better that he left earlier rather than later. It hurt less that way.

    She sighed, pouring the batter into the pan, the doorbell ringing halfway through. “Coming,” she called loudly, setting the bowl down, promptly wiping her hands on the plain black apron as she strode over, opening the door.

    Her eyes went wide as she saw the sight in front of her. He smiled slightly at her. “I presume Farrah is home?”

    Charlie held up a finger silently, closing the door before calling up the stairs. “Fay! Get down here now!”

    The black-haired girl groaned, turning over in her bed. Her items were tucked back in her dresser drawer from earlier, and she’d given up on staring out the window for some kind of sign that everything would be okay. She’d decided to remain in her night shirt and shorts, trying to fall back asleep until the day didn’t seem quite so cruel.

    “Fay!” She called again, storming up the stairs. “Downstairs. Door. Now.”

    She groaned again, sliding out of bed. “Fine, fine.” She rubbed her eyes, sliding out of bed and heading down the stairs, waking up with every step. “What? Is my mom here again . . . ? You’d think she could at least come after noon . . .”

    Her protests died off as she opened the door, spying Optimus standing there, in dark jeans and a navy blue blue button down shirt with an abstract red design in the upper right.

    “What the hell . . . ? You’ve got some nerve showing up here looking like that.” Fay’s eyebrows creased together, examining him slowly.

    He only smiled at her confusion. “I wish to . . . court you, Farrah.”

    She crossed her arms, one eyebrow raised, mouth slightly agape.

“Are you HIGH?”

She was in disbelief, and he only smiled at her question. “I apologize . . . ? Should I be going about this in a different manner . . . ?”

She shook her head, matted hair shifting. “You shouldn’t be going about it in any manner. What drugs are you on?”

“Whatever ones make me want to keep you around,” he replied, a smile on his face. His answer was honest; he wanted to keep her around. He wanted to keep an eye on her. Be able to be . . . essentially a bodyguard against Decepticons. He’d been observing human relationships in this town, and the four surrounding ones the last six days. While he seriously doubted Farrah developing anything for him other than contempt, it was an excellent cover. It was a way to stay near her and be able to keep watch.

It would be a deterrent for any future attacks the Decepticons might get into their helms if he was always around. As long as he could manage not to instill any more hate from Farrah, he could provide better protection on her part. He knew it wouldn’t be flawless, and eventually she would have to know the truth. But that moment wouldn’t come today.

“What do you say, Farrah? Will you allow me to court you? Or at least give it my best shot?”

She groaned, glaring at him. “Not a chance, you creep.”

Charlie was standing right behind the open door, and promptly pulled her friend out of sight, closing it. “Farrah Naomi Meadows, you date this boy right now!”

“Why should I? He’s a creep! He won’t go away!” She retorted, arms still crossed.

“Because you need to live a little! You need to give someone a chance! This guy has saved your life quite possibly TWICE now! If you do not date him I will stuff you in a bag and hand you over to him so he can take you on a date, got it?”

Transformers ( Bayverse ) - I Bleed When I Fall DownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora