Chapter 10 - Jealous

Start from the beginning


"I insists."

Camila pulled her friend for a hug.

"Thanks, Cheechee."

Dinah smiled.

"Would you like to stay for tea?" Camila asked as they broke the hug.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Lauren will be home any minute now.."

Camila looked at Dinah, confused. "Eh, why?"

Dinah shook her head. "Nothing."

It's hard to explain to Camila that Lauren and she are not really on good terms with each other.

"I have to go, I promised to meet Normani." she said.

"Oh, really? Let me walk you to the door." They walked together, heading to the front door.

Suddenly, Camila stepped on a slipper and lost her balance.

"Hey, watch out!" Dinah shouted. She quickly moved forward to catch Camila before she hits the ground.

Camila stared at Dinah, who's now wrapping her arm around Camila's body, to prevent her from falling down.

"Thanks." Camila said.

Dinah gulped. She's slightly blushed at the contact. Suddenly, the door opened.

"What the?!" a voice shouted.

Lauren is standing by the door, with a laptop bag in one hand. She seems tired and angry. Dinah can tell that she misunderstood.


Dinah didn't even get the chance to finish her sentence as Lauren roughly grabbed her collar and pushed her to the wall. Camila was shocked by Lauren's action; she has never seen her like that.

"How dare you touch my girlfriend!" Lauren shouted to Dinah's face.

"It's not what it looks like, Lauren." Dinah said, to the angry and jealous girl.

"Lies! It's not the first time I saw you looked at Camila like that!"

Camila tugged Lauren's shirt, gently.

"Lolo, nothing happened.."

Lauren bit her lip.

"Honey, please let her go.." Camila pleads.

Lauren slowly loosens her grip on Dinah's collar as she heard Camila's voice. Camila quickly pulled Lauren closer to her, calming her down. She silently motioned Dinah to leave. Dinah nodded and leave the house.

"I can't..can't..see you with other people like that!"

Camila cupped her girlfriend's face. "Nothing happened. I slipped and she was just helping."

"Then stop being clumsy!" Lauren shouted and pushed Camila away.

Camila stared at Lauren, shocked. "God, Lauren, relax!" 

Silence fell between them.

"It's just..too painful for me." Lauren said, looking down.

"It's so stupid to be jealous about Dinah. She's my friend, plus she's married." Camila said.

Lauren let out a loud sigh. "I'm sorry."

Camila wrapped her arms around Lauren's waist, pulling her close. "You're scary when you're jealous." 

Lauren put her head on Camila's shoulder, silent. Camila can feel her shoulder slowly getting wet.

She's crying?

Camila caressed Lauren's back gently.

"Don't cry my blankie, I love you and you only." she whispered slowly.

Lauren buries her face at the crook of Camila's neck, slowly sobbing.

"Please don't make me jealous again, napkin."

"Wow, this cake tastes good." 

Camila smiled and picked up another slice.

"Open your mouth." she said.

Lauren giggled and obeyed her girlfriend's order.

"Aaah.." Camila said as she fed Lauren.

Lauren can't be any happier. Camila is treating her like a baby after her jealous drama.

"Did you make this yourself?" Lauren suddenly asked.

No, Nicole helped.

"Yes, I made it all by myself."

"Really? It's hard for me to believe that you baked something edible."

No, I wouldn't able to bake it without Nicole's help.

"I..learned the recipe from the internet.." Camila lied.

Lauren believed her girlfriend's words. She trusts Camila.

Camila turned around, sweating.

Why did I lie?!

To avoid Lauren's jealousy?

Or to cover Nicole?

Why am I covering for Nicole?

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