"I want to be blinded by your love forever." Camila said, pulling Lauren's neck for a deep and passionate kiss on her lips.

"Forever and a day."

They snuggled in silence for a few minutes, enjoying each other's warmth.

"Okay, let's have sex."

Lauren stared at her girlfriend, in shock. "Honey, that is like..SO DIRECT!"

But Camila is already making her way down.

"Give me another bottle."

Marley is at a bar all by herself. She had drank 2 bottles of wine and the pain in her heart is still there. Zooey signed to yet another deal. 

"Who am I kidding? I can get that modelling deal?" she talked to herself.

Marley sighed loudly. "Keep on dreaming, Marley Ora. You will never be as popular as Zooey Estrabao."

A man is looking at her from the end of the counter.

"Slender body figure, perfect long hair.." a man said.

Marley looked up and saw a man checking her out.

"What are you looking at?!" Marley shouted.

The man smiled. "Isn't it obvious? I'm looking at you."

Marley rolled her eyes. "Then stop doing that!"

The man walked closer and sits next to Marley. "Let me guess, you're a model." he said.

"How did you know?"

The man chuckled. "I can tell if a girl is a model just by looking at them. Models have a certain characteristics." 

Marley stared at the man. She can't help but think that he's good looking. The man realized the stare and smiled at Marley, flashing his perfect teeth.

"Is there something on my face?" Marley quickly looked away, embarrassed.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Sean. Sean O'Pry from Star Models."

"The famous Star Models agency?!" Marley asked, shocked.

"Morning.."  Lauren greets her staffs as she entered the office. She's already an hour late. Vanessa and Ally stared at their messy and tired looking boss.

"Had a wild night?" Vanessa asked, teasing.

NAPKIN AND BLANKIE II (CAMREN) / COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now