"Will you stop being weird," Mackenzie said. She shivered, the coat was warm but she didn't have any gloves on.

"Here," Matt said noticing her hands turning a bit red from the icy air.

"But won't you get cold?"

"You forget I'm used to the cold," Matt said, he hands them over and wraps his arm around her.

"Will you stop being weird."

"How am I weird?"

"You look worried and frantic. All week you have unless we are in your room you are worried and scared of something."

"I know," Matt said taking a deep breath. "It is just this place, it has been my personal hell all through my teenage years. Hiding who I am and I thought bringing you here would ease the pain. But I guess I didn't even think of what this would involve with you being here. I mean I really don't want anybody seeing you."

"Are you still worried about your church friends."

"Of course, they will try to recruit you or something."

"Well I'm not religious so I doubt I'm their type."

"Mackenzie I know you don't know this, but I want you to learn this why I am away." He grabs her hands that now have his black mittens over them. "You are special and everybody but you has realized this."

Mackenzie just stood there and blushed. This is why she loved Matt, even though he is paranoid and weird sometimes he is still the biggest sweetheart she has ever met.

"I'm going to miss you," Mackenzie said. Matt wrapped his arms around her placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Promise me you won't get into any trouble okay."

"I can't promise anything like that."

"I'll miss you too, you have made the last semester of college my best time of schooling ever. Don't ever change."

"I won't and stop acting like we will never see each other again. Friends for life." Mackenzie said wiping the tears away

"Come on let's skate," Matt said opening up the shed. It was a good sized shed, brown on the outside with snow covering the roof.

"Where are we going skating?" She asked, she hasn't explored much of his property but all she can see is the tree's surrounding it.

"About a mile that way there is a lake we can skate on. This time of year it will be thick enough that we shouldn't have any problems."

"I'm going to walk a mile in snow?" Mackenzie said in disbelief. She could barely walk to the shed without getting out of breath. It was like quicksand with each step.

"No, we have a snowmobile." He grabs the skates. "Hopefully these fit your large feet."

"Shut up," Mackenzie said. He used the small door in the back of the shed to let them out to a little covered patio. Two snowmobiles sat there covered with tarps.

"We will only take one because I don't want you breaking anything," Matt said taking the tarp off.

Mackenzie just nodded, she is very klutzy and has accepted that she breaks things often.

She loved how fast the snowmobile could go. The wind turning her cheeks to a rosy red and making her shiver ever so slightly. The forest was beautiful. A winter wonderland, green tree branches breaking through the white snow. She was almost disappointed when Matt started slowing down.

"Now be careful," Matt said, helping her off.

"I'll be fine." She swings her leg overtakes a step and slips right onto her ass.

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