"Does Lucy usually let you wander around her home?" Haylee asked, not taking her eyes off the paper, an amused tone in her voice.

"Nope, but me and Natsu do anyway." he replied, marvelling at how her chest rose and fell with her breath 'does this make me a pervert...? he thought to himself.

He was so entranced that he didn't even notice Lucy come out of the bathroom. She stood there glaring at him with a turban-like towel on her head, one strand of blonde hair escaping in and flopping over her face, perfectly aware of what he was doing. She cleared her throat loudly. Haylee looked up and Grey jumped and laughed awkwardly.

"H-hey Lucy" he said, trying to sound normal.

Lucy continued to give him evils as she walked over.

"You, out. I need a word with Haylee." she ordered, opening the door and shooing him out.

"About what?!" Grey protested, halfway through the door.

"perverts." she glared and shut the door on him, turning back to Haylee.

"perverts....?" repeated Haylee, confused. "What's that?"

Grey sat on the sofa and hugged his knees, his face burning, Haylee would probably hate him and push him away now, out with the others she didn't trust. He realised this bothered him more than he thought it should, but he couldn't think why. He could hear the girls conversation, Lucy explaining men to a very confused Haylee, who obviously had no clue in the 'male/female' department, heck, she didn't have a clue in the 'human' department.

Lucy sat down next to Haylee.

".......I think I get it..." Haylee said, her voice unsure. Her face was flushed pink, it made Lucy laugh to see someone who looked so adult behave so childishly.

"now, you know Grey was sitting over there, in front of you?" Lucy continued.

'oh no...' Greys mind groaned, as he put his head in his hands.

"yes?" Haylee said, unsure of where the conversation was going.

"well, you know you have, ahem, rather large..." Lucy made a funny gesture that involved flapping her hands around her chest 'and the nightgown I gave you is a little small-" Lucy trailed off a little. Grey smirked, was that a hint of jealousy in her voice?

"and the way you are laying just happens to kind of, put 'them' out there, you know what I'm saying?" Lucy continued, staring hopefully at Haylee.

The was a pause, and then a defeated "No" from Haylee.

Lucy sighed. "Haylee, Grey was being a typical guy and staring at your boobs" she explained.

Haylee stared at her for a minute, expressionless. The silence was killing Grey 'please don't care please don't care please don't care....' he thought.

'wait.... Grey...?" she said, disbelief in her voice, and then...

Lucy practical fell over laughing as the girl went bright red, jumped up, grabbed a pillow and retreated under the bed covers at a blinding speed.

Haylee made a bizzarre noise, like an animal being strangled, showing embarrassment, anger and confusing all in one go.

"But whhhyyyy...' she moaned into the pillow, pulling her knees up tight to her, her face peeping out from the bottom of the bed.

Grey was also bright red, face hidden in his hands, feeling like a right idiot.

"He's in the sitting room! Go slap him!" Lucy instructed, still laughing.

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