"I feel under dressed." I said with a welcoming smile upon my face.

Marcus gave me a once over before returning that smile, "You look fine, it's just I'm picky with my outfits when it comes to clubs." He gave me another once over before locking his eyes on mine. "Shall we?" He extended his arms to me.

I hooked my arm with his, "We shall."


The club was a '20s theme jazz club, people were dancing professionally as if they were trained for this. Marcus and I sat to the side, watching the professionals do their thing. We ordered a few drinks, had a laugh- it was nice. Marcus isn't the average Joe everyone pointed him out to be, he's like any sarcastic and funny guy. They're saying this because everyone are use to being around models, a guy like Marcus would be considered very hot in Atlanta and New York.

Marcus took a swig of his beer before sitting from his chair, "Want to dance?"

I looked back onto the dance floor, I was a rookie....a newborn upon the dance floor. "Um, I don't know. I have two left feet."

"Well, I have two right feet." Marcus extended his hand out to me.

I had no other choice but to take his hand and followed him on the busy dance floor. I stood there awkwardly, watching everyone else around us. Marcus grabbed my hands and wiggles my arms so he can catch my attention. "Don't worry about them," he said while grabbing my hips to make me twirl to the beat.

The beat was fast and intense, Marcus twirled me around, lifted me off the ground and bent my backwards so everything was upside down. "How did you learn how to dance like this?" I breath out, obviously not bothering to contain my smile.

"My mother put me in dance classes. She always wanted a girl who could dance, luckily my father put his foot down before she put me in ballet." Marcus explained while lifting me off the ground once more.

"So you know how to do salsa? I always wanted to learn salsa and hip-hop." I confessed with a huge smile. I was impressed from the way Marcus was twirling around and moving me to the beat. My feet had its own mind, I did moves that I never knew I could do.

"I'll give you a few lessons," His lips turned into a smirk, at that moment I did not see Marcus as an average Joe.

"Well I'm tired, I'm going to go have a seat." I inched away towards our seats, but Marcus held onto me and pulled me back when the beat was now slow- the live band played smooth jazz that calmed the professional dancers. Many of them went back to their seats, being that they were kooky for that high, the energy and power among the dance floor.

"One more dance," He said while placing a hand upon my waist while the other held my hand. We started off with a slow two step, nothing to it- I did 'accidentally' step on Marcus feet a few times, but he lets it go with a chuckle.

"I'm not really use to this," I confessed while my eyes wandered around the dim lighted club, the only good light was over the stage where the band- men older than fifty- played. "I'm quite surprised Barcelona would have Jazz music,"

"They mostly have them for tourists, but it's the new hot spot here."

"You visit Barcelona a lot?"

"Not a lot, my grandmother lives here and I would come every two years." He said as he smile slowly disappeared.

"What's wrong?" I asked with concern tainting my voice.

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