"Dance with me." It wasn't a question, and Taehyung didn't dare say no. 

In a vague attempt to flow with  the other's moves, Taehyung fought to make his body move as smoothly. The man before him looked like he breathed in music and exhaled lust as he crooked a finger teasingly at Taehyung. 

Taehyung moved closer, feet moving before he could convince himself to back out. The man turned him back around swiftly, hands coming to rest on Taehyung's hips as the former's hips rolled against his ass. 

He was minutely alarmed that he didn't know what the fuck he was doing, but that didn't stop his own hips from grinding back down agaist the other.

"I'm Hoseok, by the way." A friendly voice sounded beside his ear, lips grazing the skin of his neck slightly as he spoke, sending a shiver down Taehyung's spine.

"Taehyung. This is my-"

"First time here?" Taehyung could hear the smile in his tone. "I know. I would've remembered a bod- a face like yours."

The younger man could feel a fierce blush spreading along his cheeks and he knew Hoseok could feel it too- even if he couldn't see it. Taehyung bit his lip, words jumbling together as he fought for a smooth reply because god this guy threw him off his game. 

"Oh really? And why's that?" Nice, he mentally congratulated himself on the save, swaying back with a little more confidence that time. 

"Because I would've tried to," A pause. Taehyung's heartbeat quickened a bit as hot breath spilled over his skin. "Dance with you-" Hoseok smiled and Taehyung's heart thudded harder against his ribs at the implications written in it. "-much sooner."

"I can't say I'm much of a dance partner, but I'm flattered."

"Trust me. I know a good body when I see one. If you can move it half as well as you seem like you can, then I'm happy."

"Oh, you come in here to hit on guys younger than you?"

"No," That damn smile was back in his voice again. "Just ones that draw me in so much I can't keep on beat."

"You're doing a pretty nice job of it now."

"Am I?" Hoseok mused, lips brushing much more obviously against Taehyung's nape. "Listen a little harder, Taehyung-ssi."

The music had changed drastically since Taehyung tuned it out, and their hips were moving to the beat that thudded in his veins and in his gut and behind his ribcage rather than the incredibly hip-hop-y one that blasted through the speakers. 

"You could've fooled me... besides, we match up well enough to pass."

"Do we match up well enough for me to take you home tonight?" 

Taehyung felt like all the air had been knocked out of him at that moment, feeling almost light headed as he processed the request. Hoseok had been so blunt about it that even if Taehyung had been trying to supress the thought all night- it was at the forefront of his mind then. 

"I think so."

And just like that, strong arms were turning him around once more, a leg sliding easily between his as Hoseok pulled him back into the dance they'd been doing all night. Too-hot hands on his hips as they rolled down against fucking deliciousfriction that had Taehyung's breath hitching far too frequently. 

"Have I told you how good you look? Taehyung asked offhandedly, attempting to gain some semblance of control and to keep the heat out of his voice long enough to get there. 

"No, but thank you." Hoseok smirked, looking absolutely goddamn wicked and Taehyung's toes curled a little in his shoes.

"Do you always take strangers home?" 

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