Running Away

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Here's where the story Begins!

Sarah's Point of view.

Okay it's been like a month since graduation, I'm planning on moving away. Well running away sort to speak. I don't want my parents or anybody to know. I'm thinking about tell my brother, Sam. Since I know he can keep a secret. I'm also thinking about telling the girls that I'm leaving, but I don't want to drag them with me, since I know that they will probably try to come with me.

Which I don't want them to do. I want them to have a life of their own and not stuck following me, since I'm not going to college with them. Josie is going to a fashion designer college, Lilly is going to a science college and Nina is going to an art college. I don't want to go to college, even though I'll get the freedom of not wearing a uniform anymore or following a schedule, but college is just not my thing. Acting is my thing, I've been acting since I was like eight years old, but put on hold to live a normal life, well my mom did that. She told me that I was going to finish school first and if I wanted to still act, I could after graduating high school.

Where I'm running away too? I'm running away to LA, to pursue an acting career. It's now nine thirty at night and I'm planning on leaving at midnight, I already have my ticket to go and my plane doesn't leave until two o'clock, since I won't be in LA until twelve or one o'clock tomorrow. I finish packing my bags, and walk out my room to my brother's room, Sam.

I knock on his door. ''Come in.''

I open his door, ''Hey big brother.'' I said.

'' What are you up to Sarah?'' He asked me.

''Why do I have to be doing something? Just to talk to you'' I asked him.

''Because you always be doing something. So what's wrong?'' He asked me, sitting up in his bed.

''Well it's not what's wrong, it's what's going to happen" I tell him, sitting beside him.

He gasped, ''What did you do?!'' He asked me, eyes widen in fright.

''Shut up!'' I whispered yelled at him.

''I didn't do anything.'' I told him closing, his door and locking it.

''Oh'' He says.

''Don't do that'' He says to me, hitting me in my shoulder.

''Owe! I need this shoulder to swing.''

''Sorry. What's going to happen?'' He asked me.

''Okay before I tell you, you have to promise me you won't tell mom and dad, or anybody else, not even the girls.'' I tell him.


''Because where I'm going, they're going to want to follow me and I don't want them too.'' I told him.


''Promise.'' I said, holding my pinky out.

''Promise.'' He says locking his pinky with mine.

I sighed, ''Okay, I'm running away to LA.'' I told him.

He was silent for about five minutes before he spoke again.

''What!? You can't go.'' He says in a frantic way.

''Yes I can, I'm eighteen, plus I graduated high school, so that means I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions.''

He sighs, ''Fine, but remember, no dating, I'll be watching you.''

''Why I can't date?''

''Why would you need a boy? They won't and can't do anything for you.'' He tells me.

''I know but why?'' I asked him

''Why would you want too? If anything you would have guys for friends, not for anything else.''

''Your right''

''You're a tomboy, you been anti-boys since you were a kid.''

''Yeah'' I laughed slightly

''Remember. Don't tell anybody.'' I told him

''Okay. Why do you want to move anyway?'' He asked me.

''Remember when I was eight, I was acting.''

''Yeah, but you stopped because you wanted to wait until you graduated High school first.''

''There you go.'' I asked him.

'' Why don't you want the girls to go with you?'' Sam asked me.

''Because they have something going for them, Nina has art school, Josie has fashion school, and Lilly has Science school. I don't have anything going for me. Plus I don't want them to throw anyway their dreams for me.''

He sighed, ''Sarah you're a great friend to them. You know their going to find out right, not by me, but their going to find out.''

''Yeah, but until that happens, zip it.'' I told him.


''I'm going to miss you.'' I told him as I hugged him.

''I'm going to miss you too.'' He told me, tearing up a little bit.

You see. Sam is kind of the sensitive, protective, nerdy brother. That you're just lucky to have.

Sean, is the weird, funny, but quiet brother.

To be honest with you, Sean is my favorite brother.

''Well, I'm going to go to bed.'' I told him.

''Okay, you need me to take to the airport?'' He asked me.

''No I can drive my car to the airport tonight.''

''You already packed?'' He asked me.

''Yeah my stuff is in my room under my bed.'' 

''Okay, Be safe.''


I walked out of his room and walked into mine. I layed in bed and closed my eyes.

After about three hours, I looked at my clock on my nightstand, It read 11:40.

 I got up out of bed and grab my bags from under my bed. I throw on some vans and a jacket.

I put my hair in a high ponytail. I grabbed my bags off my bed and slowly and quietly walk downstairs. I look over everything in the house, with memories flooding my mind. 

I sighed, grabbed my car keys and walked out the door.

 I get into my car, and grabbed my small purse I had on my shoulder, I checked it to make sure I had everything I needed. My basic nessicites, wallet, comb, id, passport. Even sunblock.

I looked at the house I grew up in, one last time. 

I finally pulled out of the driveway, making my way to the airport. Where my life was finally beginning.

End For Now.

Hey guys. Here's the beginning chapter for Best Friend, all the chapters before were like fillers of Sarah's childhood and how it was. Sorry for not updating in a while. I am preparing for finals, which is coming up very soon, like in three weeks. So if you guys like this chapter, stay tuned for more to come your way.

What do you think Nina's, Josie's, and Lilly's Reactions gonna be?

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Best Friend (A Big Time Rush Fanfiction) Completed! (Might rewrite this!)Where stories live. Discover now