Nina Valentino

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How I met Nina? I remember it all

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How I met Nina? I remember it all. It was in 2nd grade,and Nina was the new kid at our school, she came had just moving to Kentucky from Washington DC because her dad's job transferred him here for work, So she didn't really talk ta to many people because she was really shy. So when I saw her, she was sitting in on a bench at our playground, she looked kind of sad, I didn't know what was wrong with her, so I just walked up to her and said...


''Hey what's wrong with you?'' My little 7 year old self said to her.

silent....Nothing... She didn't say a thing.

I decided to try again. ''Hey, did you hear me? What's the matter?'' I asked her.

Still Nothing. So I decided to introduce myself anyway.

''I'm Sarah.'' I said to her.

''Hi'' She said in a low voice.

I grasps. ''She does talk". I say in a sarcastic way.

She laughs.

''There goes that laugh.'' I say to her.

''I'm Sarah'' I inform her again.

''I'm Nina'' She says shyly.

''Cool Name, Nina.'' I say to her.

''Really'' She says in a shock kind of voice.

''Yeah, do you have any nicknames?'' I asked her.

''Um, well my dad calls me babygirl, and my mom calls me sweetie.'' She informs me.

''Cool.'' I say to her.

''Do you have any nicknames?'' She asks me.

''Yeah I do. My family usually calls me sari or Sar or just Sarah.'' I replied to her.

''Great.'' She tells me.

Man she's really quiet, and shy. But that's okay I'll get her to be a little open.

''What's the matter?'' I asked her. ''What do you mean?'' She replied to me.

''What I mean is that you been a little quiet since I came over here, so what's the problem?'' I asked her.

She sighs. ''I miss my mom and dad.'' She finally informs me.

''They will be back at the end of the day.'' I inform her truthfully.

''I know, but I still missed them.'' She replies back to me.

''Where are they anyway?" I asked her.

''At work'' She replies.

''Oh, well they have to go to work. You know that right.'' I said to her.

''Yeah'' She replies.

''They be back today after school, but for now, you want to go play on the swings.'' I offered.

''Yeah.'' She replies smiling.

''Well let's go.'' I said running to the swings.

With her following me.

End Of Flashback...

And the rest is history, well sort of. We had a good time. Until it was time for her to go home, we played ,talked and played some more. Her mom came and got her at the end of the day. We were both sad, but she said we could play tomorrow, I introduce myself and said that my name was Sarah, and told her my age then. She smiled at me and thanked me for befriending her daughter. I guess Nina didn't really have that many friends then,but I'm glad I talked to her, otherwise I wouldn't have my amazing friend with me today. Anyways, we did talk more, at lunch we asked each other questions, and we answered them. That is how I met one of my best friend till this day. Nina.

Until next time.....

Athuor's cut-- Hey guys I decided to write another chapter for this book. I will continue it, tomorrow and I will try to update on The Paper tomorrow, too. If I can. Sorry for not updating for The Paper, I've been really busy with school, and homework and stuff. And when I get home from school, I just be tired and I don't be feeling like updating lately but that will change when I get a full Break. Like I don't know Thanksgiving break or something. I'm just kidding, I'm not gonna make you guys wait until November. So stay tuned for more future chapters. And bye. And I know I said Nina came from Mexico and she speaks Spanish, but I don't know how to speak Spanish at all. I know stupid but I don't and I really wish I knew How. So sorry about that one and Bye.

Edited-November 26,2021

Signing Off, NerdyTomBoy01 Out!

Best Friend (A Big Time Rush Fanfiction) Completed! (Might rewrite this!)Where stories live. Discover now