Hanging out with Kendall pt2(Chapter 31)

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    Bold is Sarah's thoughts

Sarah's point of view

     Kendall just asked me if we could do something this weekend. We as in the two of us again. I'm already dress for our 'hangout' since we don't have work today.

    ''Hey girls'' I greeted them.

''Hey'' they responded.

''It's almost three in the afternoon. Why are you up?'' Nina asked me.

''I'm hanging out with Kendall today since we don't have work.'' I told them.

''He's coming to pick you up. When?''

I hear a honking of a car horn.

''Now. See you guys later.'' As I walked out of the door, with my things in hand.

''So, what are we doing today?'' I asked him as I close the car door and put my seat belt on.

''Uh.. I'm not really sure. To be honest with you. I was kind of nervous since I didn't really plan that far ahead since I asked you to hang out.'' as he drove off.

''So, you just did it on a whim?'' I asked him.

''Yes and no. I've been wanting to ask you to hang out for a few weeks now. But It was never the right time. So, when you and I were in the kitchen. The other day, I knew I just had to ask you right then and there. Or else I would have chicken out.'' He told me as he cheeks pink slightly with a small smile on his face.

I sighed. ''Okay, that was kind of cute. But ne-'' I sighed as I almost said something I'll probably contemplate on for the rest of my life. ''Just ask me if you want to hang out and I'll probably say yes.'' I told him carefully choosing my words as I look everywhere but at him.

''Okay, I keep your word on that.'' He said as he still had a small smile on his face.

''Whatever, Kendall.'' As I felt my face get hot in embarrassment.

He laughed as he pulled into this small parking lot. We're at a restaurant. 

''Are you hungry or do you want to go somewhere else?'' He asked me.

''No, I'm hungry, let's go eat.'' I say getting out of the car.

''So, what made you want to hang out with me?'' I asked as I took a sup of my water.

''Nothing, I just wanted to hang out with you. That's all.'' He told me as I shook my head.

''I am going to pretending that I believe that.'' I said as I laughed slightly.

''You can believe it or not, it's true.''

I nodded my head as I took a quick glance around the place.

''Where did you find this place?'' I asked him.

''Don't be mad at me. I just looked up and saw it as we drove towards it.''

''Oh wow. You just making up everything we do on the spot, aren't you?'' I laughed at him.

''Yeah, you can say that, but I'm really trying to make this fun.''

I shook my head as I glanced down at my fingers, like they were the most interesting things in the world.

''You painted you're nails black, I see.''

''Yeah, I guess I never really strayed from it''

''It looks good on you.'' He told me as he smiled again.

I had on all black today. A black shirt, jeans and boots. I slightly curled my hair. I only put on some black eye liner, mascara and some lip balm. I smiled slightly at him. ''Thanks, I guess.''

''You're welcome.'' Then our food came. ''So, what now?''

''I don't really know, I haven't planned what we were going to do next. Um... How about we go to the beach?''

''No, It's like an hour away.''

''How about we go.... I have nothing.'' I suggested at Kendall laughed.

''Okay, I guess we can go to a park or something.''

''Okay, let's go.''

''So, what have I missed about you since I moved away all them years ago?''

''Uh... nothing much really. Same old Sarah as I was back then.'' He chuckled as he sighed sitting down on a bench.

''Man, I've missed you.'' he sighed again as he told me.

I opened my mouth too respond but closed it, since I don't know how to respond to that.

''I'm not sure how to respond to that, but um...'' I stopped talking, feeling awkward.

''yeah.'' I responded not looking his way.

''Really, Sarah.'' He said with a small smile on his face.

''What? You know I'm not good at these things.''

''I just- I don't know, Kendall.'' I say hitting my hands against my thigh slightly, as I felt uncomfortable.

''It's okay, Sarah I know.''

We sat in silence. ''Hey, an ice cream cart.'' Kendall says as he gets up walking towards it.

''Here.'' He handed me a strawberry cone as he took a bite from his cookies and cream cone.

''Thanks, How did you know what my favorite ice cream was?''

''I haven't forgotten everything about you.''

''Thanks for hanging out with me today.'' He told me as he parked his car in front of our building.

''Your welcome. Thanks for inviting me out.'' I say as I reframed from face palming myself. 

''It's cool. I wanted to hang out with you'' he smiled at me, which I looked away from him.

I sat there not knowing what else to say.

''I'll see you at work on Monday, Kendall'' I get out of the car, closing the door.

''alright, see you.''

I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding in when I walked into our apartment.

''So, how was it?'' Nina asked me.


''What did you too do?'' Josie chimed in.

''Nothing much. Just talked, ate some food, and talked some more.''

''Where is he?'' Lilly asked me.

''He's gone.'' I say with a neutral expression on my face as I tried not to overthink about today.

''I'm going to my room, night girls'' as I headed up to my room. 

closing my bedroom door I felt my face go hot as I thought about today. It was an innocent hangout, why am I acting like this?

Best Friend (A Big Time Rush Fanfiction) Completed! (Might rewrite this!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon