Big Time Clueless (Chapter 32)

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Carlos's point of view

     It's been two weeks since we last seen the girls besides only when we need to do some scenes with them. The boys and I were taking a break from working.

''So, guys what are we doing after work today?''

''In all honesty, I don't really want to do anything. We always seem to go get food. Or simply go to someone's home and eat there.'' James stated.

''Yeah, it's getting kind of repetitive.'' Logan stated also as he drunk some of his water.

''I miss Nina.'' I stated as the boys looked shocked at me.

''I didn't mean to say that out loud.'' I covered my mouth in embarrassment.

''Yeah right. Carlos, you and Nina are the most affectionate with each other. You haven't seen her forreal in about two weeks. You miss her.'' Kendall teased me.

''Like you aren't that way with Sarah. Calling her all the time.'' I stated back as I laughed.

''Man, Sarah doesn't talk to me unless I start it first.'' 

''Doesn't matter, You like Sarah a whole lot more then you want to admit.'' I tell him.


''Hey guys.'' Nina greeted us as she immediately gave me a hug.

I hugged her back, ignoring my heart beating 10x faster then it normally would.

''How are you guys doing?'' Josie asked us.

''Hey Lilly.'' Logan greeted the shy girl.

''Hi Logan.'' She responded with a slight smile, not looking at him. Logan tried not to smile at all. He almost failed.

''We aren't doing much. Just taking a break while they change cameras.'' Kendall told them.

The eight us continued to talk until it was time for us to film again.

''See you guys later.''

    It turns out the girls were needed for the next few scenes. Kendall and Sarah ended up playing the piano together, which Sarah wasn't that good at to be honest. They were both laughing. As Kendall placed his hands on top of hers, helping her play. They stopped and looked at each other. Kendall leaned in like he was going to kiss her, but Sarah backed away. Since none of it was in the script.

Afterwards, we all teased them.  ''Karah forever!'' Nina yelled for us to her. 

Sarah just death glared Nina, but she didn't say anything. ''You guys should not stick to the script more often.'' Josie stated as she laughed. Lilly just stood there in silence with a slight smile on her face, Logan kept looking at her.

''Karah or Jendall?'' Katlyn asked us.

''Jendall.'' Sarah answered.

''Does anyone else ship Josie and James together?''

Josie didn't say anything as James laughed at her reaction and hugged her.

''I do.'' Katelyn, Ciara and Nina stated.

''Carnina forever!''

I saw Nina face go slightly red.

''Why do ya'll ship us in the show?'' Nina asked.

''Us too.'' Sarah said as she pointed between her and Kendall who smiled.

Sarah stared at him like she was in a daze as she looked away as he looked at her. Kendall noticed it and laughed.

''I can't stand you, Kendall.'' Sarah said.

Kendall laughed again as he sat right next to her.

''Sarah, just admit it you love it when I'm next to you.''

''I reject that statement.''

the both of just went back and forth between each other.

''Nina, let's go talk for a while.''

''Okay, Carlos.''

Nina and I went to a backstage room and started talking.

''Is their anyone you wish your character would end up with?'' I asked her.

''Carlos. She deserves somebody who is going to love her in all the ways possible and be genuine about it.''

''What about you?'' I asked her.

''In real life you mean?''


''Uh. I'm not sure. Their is this one guy, who is sweet, kind and caring.  I don't think he will ever like me back, at least not in the way I like him. I've only known him for a few months, but he is the only one I'm genuinely close too.''

I could tell she was talking about me, I'm the only guy in the show that her and her character are really close with, genuinely speaking.

''Well, how long have you liked him for?''

''For a while now, actually.''

''Do I know who he is?''

''Yeah, your similar to him. in a lot of ways.''

''Why don't you think he wouldn't like you?''

''I mean, look at me. I'm everything he wouldn't like in a woman. I know I'm kind, caring and everything, but I know that's not all I have to have in order for a guy to like me.''

''I have to have the body too.'' I could tell she wanted to cry.

''I know I'm positive to everyone but sometimes I wish I didn't have to be.'' She continued

''Well, why do you?''

''I guess, I've been doing it for so long, I don't know how to stop.'' She responded.

I kissed her on the cheek. 

''Nina, you are allowed to be vulnerable. You don't have to be the positive one all the time. Sometimes you need time for yourself. You can cry, yell and scream if you need too.'' I tell her while looking into her eyes.

Nina cried more as she laid her head on my shoulder. I held her as she cried.

I don't know how long she cried, but I didn't care. I just hoped that she feels better.

''Nina, any man would be the happiest person alive to have you as his somebody.'' 

Nina smiled at me as she wiped the excess tears from her face.

''I got your shirt all wet, I'm sorry''

I laughed again as she still found a way to care about somebody.

''Nina. You are the most clueless, adorable, kindest and the most funniest woman. I have ever met.'' I told her as she blushed.

''Shut up'' I laughed again as I kissed her on the cheek. Nina kissed me on the cheek too. I sat there with the biggest smile on my face as I hugged her again, as we walked back to set.

Hope you all liked this chapter. This book is almost done. Might make a sequel to this. It's getting too long. Leave a comment!

Best Friend (A Big Time Rush Fanfiction) Completed! (Might rewrite this!)Where stories live. Discover now