Chapter Thirty Three: What's the Point?

Start from the beginning

The android in question looked up from the computer. "My apologies, Captain," he said. "I did take the opportunity to check in on both of them. However, the room was empty. Neither Mr. Worf or Q appear to be in the immediate area."

That comment did bring Picard's head up to look at the officer. "And you couldn't have told me this sooner because...?"

Data looked somewhat confused as he tilted his head from one side to the other as he looked back at his commanding officer. "I did not see a need to inform you as it appears Worf is still with Q, even though they are both no longer in the immediate area."

"I will be the judge of that," Picard reminded, then he let out a sigh. "Well, there's not much to be done about it now." He glanced around the room. Deanna sat in one chair across from the small table where the map was currently located. Honey Lemon stood near her, while he was on the other side. Wasabi sat closer to the captain, still looking rather worse for wear.

Baymax and the two Doctors had opted to go off somewhere else, though Jean-Luc didn't know where. He hoped that wherever they'd gone, whatever they were doing, would be helpful to what was going on right now. But since the two men were as elusive in his understanding as Q was, he couldn't be sure about that. Not to mention, there was still the matter of things only partially explained from earlier. That would have to be remedied, but later. Once they apprehended the fugitive.

Data acknowledged the reprimand from his superior and moved to join the others around the map. "I believe the current problem is deciding on whom to best send for this mission," he observed. "While either Fred or Honey Lemon must understandably be the one to deposit the money, there is the matter of who should be in the area to observe the transaction. I do not believe the kidnapper will show up until after they have left the immediate vicinity."

"If I can be close enough, maybe I can get a read on him," Troi pointed out. "If nothing else, that will help us determine the mental state of our target."

Picard had to nod at that logic. Since no one else seemed inclined to take charge while GoGo was gone, he'd taken on the responsibility. "Yes, that would be helpful. We can't be sure if this kidnapper truly means to harm Hiro or not. I think Mr. Data and I should also be present, as well as GoGo. Wasabi, you should remain behind. I don't think you're in any condition to offer your usual services."

Wasabi leaned back in his chair, arms folded. "Fine with me. With my car totaled, there's really not much I can do on that end. Besides, it might look a bit weird if Fred and Honey didn't show up with the same driver as before." He knew his sore muscles would only slow him down, though he had every intention of doing everything he could to remedy that.

"What about Worf and Q?' Honey wondered. "I know they're not here right now, but shouldn't they be somehow involved?"

Deanna glanced over towards the captain, her expression unreadable. "I have a feeling those two might be occupied for a while," she commented. "It's probably best to let them do what they're doing for now. I'd say the same for the two Doctors as well. I think they're working on something of their own that might prove helpful, though I can't be sure about that."

The counselor's reasoning was sound, Picard supposed. The two Doctors would likely do their own thing regardless. And he doubted they'd be taking any orders from anyone. "Fine. We'll let them do their own thing. For now. As for the rest of us, let's start working on strategy, then go out and survey the area in question."

With everyone agreeing to the plan, things started to come together. All they had to do now was wait for Fred and GoGo to return with the money.


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