Part 21: Memories of a Broken Soul

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Hey pups! Before we start with the story, there is a very VERY important announcement at the end of this chapter. I want as many of you as possible to read that announcement. Also, I wanted to let you all know that I am so very sorry for not updating during the summer like I said I would. I'm currently in Puerto Rico so I haven't had much time to work on this. Also, this chapter is very special so I made it much longer then the rest of my chapters. I hope you guys love this and forgive me for not keeping up with my promise. Now, on to the story.

Ichigo's POV:

A few hours after I fell asleep with Shiro, I was stirred awake by a hand gently passing through my orange hair. I was about to snuggle into my pillow when I noticed my pillow was harder than usual. I opened my eyes to see a gown and feel that cool hand pass through my hair again. I looked up and saw Shiro with a beautiful smile, his hand being the one to pass through my hair. He was looking out the window. I smiled a little seeing how Shiro didn't seem to realize I was awake yet.

I heard him start to hum a rhythemless toon and close his eyes. That's when I decided to 'wake up'. After a few more times of his hand passing through my hair, I let out a yawn and reached my hand up to rub my eyes. As soon as I pulled my small act, Shiro froze completely. His hand stopped moving halfway through my hair, his eyes shot open, and his humming stopped abruptly. I was very amused and let my hand rest on the gown before nuzzling his chest and hand. He let out a huge sigh of relief thinking I was still asleep and finished passing his hand through my hair.

"That feels, really nice." Shiro froze again at my words and I looked up to see his eyes open wide, shock written across his features. He had a dark blue blush growing quickly across his face and I couldn't help but laugh at the sight. "I-I'm sorry! I-I d-didnt mean to d-do that! I j-just s-saw the position w-we were i-in so I just th-thought..... I-I'm s-sorry...." He looked at me with a bit of fear in his eyes and I just laughed a little more. He grew confused at my laughter but I could see a small smile forming on his lips, probably due to my laughter.

"Don't worry about it, Shiro. I was awake for a little longer than that but I wasn't lying when I said that felt nice." It also felt very comfortable laying on you like that... His blush grew even darker and he looked surprised at my statement. "W-what?!" I chuckled and restated what I said. "Why didn't you show you were awake earlier?! How long were you awake for?"

I made a thoughtful look while Shiro gaped at me. "I woke up to you caressing my hair not too long ago. I saw you looking out the window and you started to hum some sort of toon before I decided to 'wake up'." He seemed to sigh in relief and mumbled to himself.

"Hm? What was that?" He snapped out of his own thoughts and looked at me before blushing again. "N-nothing.... Can uh... Can you get off now?" I smirked to myself and nuzzled his chest again before wrapping my arms around his waist. "Nah, I wanna stay like this for a little while longer." Shiro let out a little sigh but complied anyways. "Say, can you keep caressing my hair?" Shiro got a little flustered at the request but nodded. "U-uh okay." After he said that, I could feel his hand passing through my hair again. He seemed nervous by the movement of his hand now compared to earlier but I shrugged it off knowing it's probably because I'm awake now.

I let out a satisfied sigh and closed my eyes embracing the feeling of Shiro under me and his hand passing through my hair. Within a few minutes, I was already slipping in and out of conscience. "Are you still awake Ichi?" I hummed softly and sat up, rubbing my eyes and yawning once more before stretching. "Yeah. I almost fell asleep again. Also what was that nickname?" I looked at him and smirked slightly quirking a brow. He started to blush again and looked away. "N-nothing..." I just chuckled and crossed my arms.

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