Part 8: Shiro feels

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Sorry I posted this late I kinda forgot that I had to post yesterday/today so here it is. Also it's a bit of a continuation from last chapter if your confused on how this one starts. Enjoy!

Ichigo's POV:

He looked at me with a shocked face before looking away.

"W-why are you helping me? Someone who's invisible. Someone who no one cares about. You shouldn't be helping me. Hell you shouldn't have even met me. You have people who care about you. Your life really means something."

He went on in a bit of an agitated voice before slowly going to a whisper and with hurt laced in his words.

" then why do you help me?" I hear shiro whispering in a hurt and quivering voice.I look at him with soft eyes and I reach my hand to grab his.

"Shiro....I can tell you have been through a lot but listen and remember when I say this. Your not invisible. You do have someone who cares about you. And you have a life for a reason. Maybe you haven't found your reason yet but it's there you just need to find it."

He looks down thinking over what I said and looked back up to me. Tears brimming his eyes.

"Who? Ichigo who would care about a failure like me. I'm a freak. Just look at me I'm pure white for one and my eyes are black and gold. I'm weak and I get beaten every single day. I get yelled at and I even cut. Who the hell would even bother to care about me when all I am is a punching bag for others and myself. I'm nothing......nothing compared to anyone else."

I watch Shiro listening to his rant intently while watching tears stream down his face. My heart twists in an agony i haven't felt before. I move over to him and pull him into a hug. I say in his ear, "I do." I can feel him tense and I can tell he's surprised.

Shiro's POV:

"I do."

That's what he said when he hugged me. My eyes widened in surprise and I tense but he keeps on hugging me. "W-what?" I barely manage to get out. But he responds quickly despite my shocked state. "I care about you shiro. I don't care what you look like because to me you are beautiful. Your not a failure not in my eyes. You shouldn't get bullied and you shouldn't hurt yourself Shiro. Your not a freak and your not nothing because you are something. You are a person and that means something to me. And I'm also glad we met." He hugs me a little tighter and I just sit there shocked barely able to process what he said. It wasn't a lie in the way he said things. I can feel tears gather in my eyes and I lift my arms hugging him back and start to cry on his shoulder. "Shhh shh. Let it all out. It's alright." I can feel him rub my back in a soothing motion while I sob clutching the back of his shirt tightly. I know these tears are ones of frustration, sorrow, loneliness, hurting, and so many more emotions.

~a few minutes later~

I finally finished crying and pull away from ichigo still sniffling. He stands up next to my bed and looks down at me with soft caring eyes and with a small smile. I know he doesn't smile at all unless it's on one day of the year but it's a hurting smile. This one is pure but worryful. I blush a little and look down a bit. "Are you alright now?" I nod still sniffling. "S-sorry for weting your shirt." He chuckles and shakes his head while ruffling my hair a bit. "It's alright. I'll go change it and I'll warm up the food again then come right back ok?" I nod and watch him leave with the food. Just as the door closes I hear my stomach grumble and sigh. I think of how my uh 'stay' has been so far and realize something. He hasen't asked me anything and I know he was curious. Shit. I groan out loud and hold my head in my hands before looking around the room. I see my old bloody clothes and cringe a bit. I reach over to my pants pocket and grab my mini sketch pad, happy that there was a pencil right next to me. I grab the pencil and open the sketch pad after, a few page flips, I come across an empty page and start to draw in it. I concentrate on remembering Ichigo's face when he smiled and work away at the drawing. As always, I get into it and don't pay attention to anything else but what I'm drawing and I dont hear when the door opens.


We got a bit of a cliffhanger huh? Hope you guys don't hate me too much. But will it be Ichigo to come into the room or will it be someone else....hehehe... Anyways, see ya next time pups!

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