Part 7: Ichi's Angry

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Hey pups! Here's another chapter for you all. Hope you like it.

Shiro's POV:

"T-t-two days?" My voice goes into a whisper and I can hear my heart rate go up on the monitor. I haven't been at home for two days.

I haven't cooked for two days. I haven't gotten beatings for TWO DAYS!!!!! I'm surely gonna get it, big time. I don't wanna go, I don't wanna face that pain again.

Tears come to my eyes in my panic and I put myself in a fatal position but I was ripped from my thoughts by Ichigo.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't worry. I've done what you asked and I haven't contacted your family. No one knows where you are but us, calm down."

He holds onto my shoulders and looks at me straight in the eye, as if he was going to say something else but he didn't.

I nodded and force myself to calm down but I can feel a light blush at how he needed to get so close just to calm me down.

He slowly lets go of my shoulders and sits back in the chair next to me. I wipe my eyes and sniffs a little, calming down a little more as we sit in silence. "Shiro." I look at Ichigo to see him look at me in concern.

"My dad...He's seen everything, your bruises. Your scars.........Even your cuts...." I gulp and nod slightly and going a bit panicy again.

He's seen it. He's seen everything. Is he gonna ask me? Should I answer him? "Shiro. I know that Grimmjow and his group are the ones that beat you. And knowing them, they probably constantly bully you."

I nod subconciously agreeing with his statement while playing with the fabric of my blanket.

"I want to help you. More then I did two days ago. I want to know more about you. And I want to be your friend."

I gasp sightly my eyes widening. H-he wants to be my friend? A friend, someone who could actually care. But no I can't let him get hurt he doesn't deserve to have a burden as a friend.

"A burden? Why do you say that about yourself? I want to be your friend and if any harm comes your way I'll take care of it. I won't get hurt and neither will you Shiro." I could feel my face burn as I look at him with wide eyes.

"D-did I just say that out loud?" He nods and I turn away quickly. "W-well you can do what you want I guess. Just please...Don't get hurt Ichigo."

I turned and looked at him with a serious expression when I told him not to get hurt and he tenses a bit. "How do you know my name?"

Well shit.

"Uhh well, you're the most known around school for being one of the nicest guys. Also because of your hair..." He nods slightly.

"You should probably go to sleep. It's about to be 10." he stands up and starts to walk to the door. "W-wait. Could you st-stay here? P-please?"

He looks back at me and nods slightly after a while. "I'll be back, I'm gonna get some food and I'll stay here for the night. Do you want anything?"

I shake my head but my stomach growls betraying me. He looks back with a knowing look and slightly chuckles before leaving the room.

Ichigo's POV:

I head to the kitchen after I close the door to Shiro's room and go to the kitchen to warm us up some rice with teriyaki. While I prepare the food my questions invade my thoughts.

How old is he? How come he panicked so much after saying he's been here for two days? Why did he call himself a burden? Why did he go all serious when he asked for me to not get hurt? Does his family hurt him? Who else bullies him at school?

I started to get angered at the thought of his bullies and his family hurting him. I lost some self control and I punched the fridge, hard.
"FUCK!!!" I yelled out and held my hand with a hiss.

"Ichi-nii what did I tell you about cursing." I hear Yuzu walk into the kitchen and hold my hand close to me. "S-sorry Yuzu I punched the fridge." She looks at me questioningly and comes over to inspect my hand.

"And why did you do that?" "I uh... I got a bit too mad..." She looks at me questioningly but nods before she grabs a nearby gauze.

"Well it's not that bad just a bit of swelling but I'm gonna put in a guaze in case there's a finger that was moved out of place."

I nod and let her do what she wants before I grab a tray and put two plates of rice and teriyaki on it and grabbed two water bottles before I walk back to Shiro's room.

Why did that make me so mad to punch the fridge? I sighed and push the thoughts to the back of my head and knock on Shiro's door before entering.

"Ok so I've got some rice with teriyaki and a water bottles for us." He nods silently and I put the tray on the table next to his bed. He looks up at the bowls of food before looking back down.

"Hey. Shiro, what's wrong?" I sit at the end of his bed and look at him. He looks up at me, his face showing somewhat of a struggle.

Is he struggling to ask me something or is he struggling because of how hurt he is?

"Shiro, can you please tell me." he looks up at me with a reluctant look on his face. "Please Shiro. I'm worried about you."

Shattered Angel (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang