Part 19: The Lion and The Owl

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Hey guys! Sorry for not posting in what feels like a month. Testing has been really stressful on me and I couldn't think of what to write. Like last time, I couldn't come up with a name for this chapter so huge thanks to my friend GabriellyVez for naming this chapter. Anyways, enough of my babbling. Onto the story~

Shiro's POV:

I saw Ichi turn around after a few minutes and see him looking around the room before speaking softly. "Let's talk about what happened tomorrow, for now just get some sleep okay?" I nodded and he turned back around. "Night Shiro." I shifted into a more comfortable position before responding. "Good night, Ichigo." With those words being said, we both fell asleep.

~A couple hours later~

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling too restless to go back to sleep. Guess I slept too much until now... I just sat there, not knowing what to do for a few minutes before I came up with an idea. I remembered when Ichi said his favorite animal was a lion. I've been feeling the need to repay him for his kindness and I have the perfect idea.

I made sure Ichi was still sleeping before getting out my drawing pad and pencil. I started to draw a lion and an owl. The lion was standing tall and strong while the owl was much smaller and frail looking. They owl was laying down in front of the standing lion, scars scattered along it's body and wings, below it I wrote a small peice of a poem.

One lion stands tall and proud.

The lion is powerful and has no fears.

And an owl lays just across from it.

This owl is weak and frail, all fears plauge his mind.

The lion who stands has a perfect body,

No scars to be seen

While the owl has a body withered and frail,

Scars seen everywhere especially along his wings.

I turned the page and drew the owl on the lion's back as it carries it to a cave, below that drawing I wrote again, continuing the poem.

The lion shows kindness to the broken owl,

Bringing the owl to it's cave.

The lion plans to care for the owl for as long as it takes.

The owl's eyes plauge fear and confusion as they seem half lidded,

Just about to close.

I flipped the page once more and drew the lion sitting down and looking up at the owl flying. I drew sun rays to depict the owl as an angel. I wrote the last bit of the poem underneath the drawing.

After the time taken to heal,

The lion roams out of his den along with the owl.

He takes a seat and looks up to see the owl flying.

The owl looks happy as he flies up into the skies.

The sun hits him perfectly as the lion watches.

What the lion saw, however, was not only an owl

But a shattered angel,

Now fixed...

I revised the drawings and small poem written under each drawing until morning. Ichi was still asleep so I went back to sleep for another hour or so. When I woke up I heard a yawn coming from Ichi and I closed my drawing pad quickly, getting anxious. "Mornin' Shiro..." He let out another small yawn and his voice sounded husky from sleep. "Good morning Ichigo." I was fiddling with my drawing pad when Ichi turned to face me. "Are you alright?" I looked down at the note pad and couldn't help but blush lightly. "Y-Yea I'm fine... I m-made something for you..." He looked at me with curiosity and stretched before standing up, sitting at the edge of my bed. "What is it?"

I opened the pad and quickly flipped through the pages, not letting him see the drawings I made of him. When I found the first drawing, I handed him the drawing pad and he read over it. "There's more..." He nodded before  turning the pages until there was nothing left. With every word he read, a smile formed and grew until a gentle and seemingly loving smile stayed. Soon enough, he turned and hugged me. "Thank you Shiro....." I blushed and hugged him back. "I-it was nothing really. Just a s-small thank you g-gift for everything you did to h-help me."

I looked down after he let go, trying to hide my blush. "These drawings are amazing. Do you have any more?" I nodded shyly and grabbed the drawing pad. "Y-Yeah but I don't w-want you to see them y-yet..." He looked at me with a bit of concern and puzzlement. "How come?" My voice lowered to just above a whisper at this point. "I-I.... I think you would h-hate me for it..." I could feel his eyes on me and flinched a little when I felt his hand on mine. He hesitated before resting his hand on mine again, probably due to my flinch. "Why would I hate you for doing something so simple as drawing?"

I could barely respond at this point. "I-I.... I just... please j-just... let it g-go for now...." I looked up at him with pleading eyes. He nodded slowly with a look of worry etched into his features. "Well, can you explain what happened yesterday when you kissed me?" I saw a very light and small blush come across his face and I fanboyed a bit, internally, before realizing what he was asking. "O-oh um, that...Well, I-I just uh k-kinda felt a bit o-of a-adrenaline because you k-kissed me and I-I guess I w-wanted more because it was the f-first t-time I really, ever f-felt l-love..."

I heard Ichigo hum and look down with one of his many thinking faces. "That makes sense... Is there any other reason?" Yes. I've been crushing on you and practically stalked you like a fucking senpai-obsessed freak since forever because you're just so perfect and I couldn't help myself from getting more of you. I've been wanting that kiss and your affection and just simply you for so long. In other words, because I love you... "No... That's it." I saw him look at me skeptically after my hesitation but he just sighed knowing I wouldn't say anything else.

"Alright then. Well, thanks so much for the drawings. Can I keep them?" I nodded and looked down at the drawing pad before carefully ripping out the pages and handing them to him. "I'll go put these in my room." I nodded again and he walked out of the room leaving me to my thoughts. I got a bit anxious remembering the look in his eyes when I held back. I know I lied to him but I couldn't let him know. He would surely hate me after I admit everything...

Story Word Count: 1112

Total Word Count: 1251

Firstly, I would like to apoligize. I'm not that skilled in poetry at all so the poetry in this book is just me yoloing it. Aaannnndddd I have no idea what to do for the next chapter..... Hopefully I'll figure out soon. Oh, and just incase I don't post until summer, I'm going to Puerto Rico so hopefully I gain some inspiration instead of losing some more. Until next time, cya pups! ^•^

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