Part 10: Ichi's Thoughts and Trouble?

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Hey pups! As promised this chapter is longer than the last. Sorry again for not updating last week. Also, I have a couple announcements at the end of this chapter so make sure to read them, enjoy!
Shiro's POV:

I shut my eyes tight from fear and flinched when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. "Shiro..." Ichigo's voice filled with regret and worry. "Shiro I'm sorry......I shouldn't have done that. Please calm down." He whispers and I can feel his head on my shoulder with his hand on my back rubbing it softly. My shaking and heartbeat slow down after a while of just sitting like that and I'm just sniffling now. "W-why did you get s-so angry?"

My voice cracks on a few words, my fear still evident. "Shiro look at me." I lift my head up slowly so he can just see my eyes. We stare into each others eyes before he starts to speak. "Shiro I got angry because you don't deserve the treatment that you get. They treat you like a slave and you don't deserve that. No one does." I nodded my head in acknowledgment and unraveled myself and he went back over to his chair. "I'm sorry I got so angry and that I scared you."

"I-it's alright. You got mad. Don't worry about it." He looks at me with sorrow and regret in his eyes but nods. "So uh what did you break?" He looks down and points to the other side. "The wall...." My eyes widen and I turn around to see a medium fist sized hole through the wall before turning around quickly and grabbing his hand.

He winced and lets out a low hiss when I grabbed it, I cringed at the sight, his hand was all bloody and his middle finger, ring finger, and thumb looked dislocated. "You gotta tell your dad." He rubs the back of his head with his other hand. "N-no this is nothing-" I cut him off and yell out.

"IIIISSSSSSSSHHHHHHIIIIIINNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I can hear a loud thump sound from upstairs and footsteps racing downstairs before Isshin barges in looking very alert and dissheveled. "WHAT HAPPENED!?!??!?!?!"

He yells out and I just raise Ichigo's hand for him to see while feeling Ichigo's glare at me and grumble something incoherent. "How did that happen?" Isshin rushes in and starts to inspect Ichigo's hand. "He got angry and punched a hole in the wall." Isshin sighs and tells us about Ichigo's hand.

"Well he dislocated three fingers and his wrist as well as break a part of his middle finger. I can relocate the fingers and wrist but I'll have to put a splinter on his middle finger and wrap up his hand."

We both nod and he pushes everything back in it's places with sickening pops and loud, painful yells coming from Ichigo. By the end of it I'm still in my little cringe fest while Ichigo has a face of pain and fear. Pain for the relocating and fear for moving his hand around.

Isshin went to get some guaze to wrap his hand and a splinter for his finger. I shake off the cringe and look at Ichigo worried. "D-does your hand feel a bit better?" He nods but stares at it as if he didn't want to move it. I sigh and gently take his hand and moving around his wrist and fingers. He flinches at first and turned away with a small blush?

Oh my jesus he's blushing! I shake my head and go back to the task at hand. I keep his arm still until he eventually pulled his hand away to start rubbing and moving it himself being careful to not move his middle finger so much. I simply sit there in silence and watch him as he look at his hand intently then looked up at me.

"So... I'm sorry for scaring you so much Shiro." Ichigo says again with guilt lacing his words. I nod mumbling an 'It's ok' and I look down and started to fiddle with my fingers. I hear Ichigo sigh and say.

"It's really late we should sleep now." I just nod and lay down to rest. I hear Ichigo shuffling around and I see the lights shut off. I can hear more shuffling before I see Ichigo's silhouette pull up a recliner next to me. I close my eyes and fall deep into the darkness of sleep with a small smile on my face.

Ichigos POV:

I lean back into the recliner with a blanket wrapped around me. I'm staring up at the ceiling trying to find sleep, while my thoughts plauge me.

Why was I so angry? What are these feelings and why am I loosing control all of a sudden? I bring my hand up and look at it. How am I this protective over someone I barely even know? I never did this much damage to myself to break a bone. None the less to punch things about three times. Not when protecting Chad or Uryu, not even when I protected Rukia. I put my hand down and turn my body to the side and stare at Shiro's sleeping form.

What have you done to me Shiro? I don't know why you gave me these feelings. I don't know what they mean but one thing I'm certain about is...the more I look at you, the more beautiful you seem. Your eyes, your face, you hair, everything about you. I want to get to know you better and maybe, just maybe step it up a notch.

With that last thought I lean over the recliner just enough to plant a kiss on his forehead. I smile slightly when I see his small smile grow a bit in his sleep and lay back down finally being able to sleep.

Shiro's Mother's POV:

"WHERE HAS THAT PEICE OF SHIT FAG GONE!" I hear my husband yell out. "Sweety we should be happy that worthless thing isn't in our lives anymore." I say all happy and cheery. My husband looks at me rage in his eyes, "He should be here making me food relieving my stress and not out somewhere being a whore for some other fag."

He slowly crept closer to me while he spoke and I just looked at him seductevely. "Well now that he's gone we can drop Sindy (Shiro's sister) off at her grandparents house so I can relieve that stress of yours."
I smirk as his rage turns into lust and he rushes me and Sindy into the car.

Well that was easy, now there's no worry for having that fag run away. However if I ever see him again I will beat him to death and torture him even worse than before, till he dies.

-Time Skip to Shiro and Ichi's POV
Cuz that smut isn't the smut I wanna write *barfs thinking about it*-

Shiros POV:

I wake up the next morning at around 6, the same time I woke up to serve them... I push those thoughts out of my head and look around the room. I'm surprised when I see Ichigo sleeping next to me. He looks so peaceful so beautiful.

I sit up and reach under my pillow to get my sketch pad and start to draw Ichigo's sleeping form. I get too deep into drawing again and I didn't notice when his eyes opened.
First of all, I hope you liked this chaper, cliffhangerd included hehehe~. Second of all, ANNOUNCEMENT TIME!
For the first announcement:
I would like to thank everyone who has read this story. I noticed recently that this story has had 459 views! THAT'S JUST INSANELY AMAZING!!!!!! -cough cough- sorry I got a bit carried away there.....But thank you everyone for the support and reads. It means a lot since this story has come out to be my most succesful since you guys encourage me to keep writing and I rarely loose inspiration because of that. So thank you, every single person who has helped, read, voted, and commented. Thank you so, so much in making this story as succesful as it is. Also to future readers, this thanks is also for you, no matter what time your reading this, even after it's finished.
For the second announcement:
I'm looking for two back-up editors. My main one is editing another story as well as mine but the other author updates constantly so she has more on her plate and adding my story can sometimes make her schedual a bit tight. Now, for anyone who would like to be either back-up editors, I want to see your editing skills and style. I will give them a small paragraph (the same thing for everyone cuz I'm lazy like that) and will choose on that. I will go to my back-up editors if my main editor has too much on her plate that week or if she can't for any other reason. I will give the people who want these position 3 days to edit and send back the paragraph given. This will run from today until 11/5 (not including any other possible opportunities). I am willing to give my phone number to my chosen back-up editors to make the process a bit easier for us. If you would like this position, you can pm me in wattpad and I will give you the paragraph. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can ask in pm or on my wall or in the comments of this chapter. Be warned though, I may need the same editors for any possible future stories so be prepared for that. Also, I use my main editor the most so the back-up editors won't be able to edit as much or as often. The way it will go is if my main editor has too much to do, then I will go to my first back-up editor, however, if they are too busy, I will go to my second back-up editor. This means that the second back-up editor will have an even less opportunity to help editing my story so be prepared for that as well. I hope you guys can help this story out. Till next time!

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