Murderous Doctor X Reader

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 Warning if you don't like gore,blood,the word mention of suicide or anything death and gore related Please do not read It's not my responsibility if you read it anyway's and ruin you're eye's.  :O 

This is also my first horror story that I'm putting actual thought to. X"D hope you like it  :"3

before i even start I want to say I'm making Picture for ALL the chapter's of this very book and only this book.:3 it's a big project but it's something i want to do. :"3 so that said

Let's get started.


 It was midnight the night sky was so beautiful the blue sky of course  You were in the forest running away after you and you're lover was just sitting next to a fire,chatting till someone came up behind you're (boyfriend/Girlfriend) had there throats slit and now being gutted like a fish,out of panic you ran leaving everything that was next to you behind, you hear footsteps behind you he was chasing you now.He was fast but you were way ahead of him so you had the advantage to run as fast as you're leg's can carry you,tried to lose him in the bushes a bunch of trees hell even try to fool him into losing you but it didn't work he was right on you're trail a chasing game like cat and mouse you tried to get rocks or twigs,something to try to throw them at his leg's so he trip or fall just so you can lose him possibly injure him in the progress while running away witch it worked you threw a rock at his left leg and he fell over face first into the dirt and gravel face first as you were running away you heard the mad man yelled and curse in German you didn't understand what he said nor care,you cared about getting out of there alive and just go home to call the police.Just than you went out of the bushes and you were in a park of course it be covered in woods you didn't stand there you ran faster than you were before,You're lung's were burning you thought you were about to pass out from the exhaustion of you're lungs hurting and needed air,you kept running till you thought it was safe for you to try to catch you're breath trying to breath,The killer doctor was still after you There was you're neighborhood you're house was 4 blocks away but walked home after all you did lose a killer in the woods or so you thought,soon it began to rain and hard to so you went a little fast walking through the rain

You walked and walked till you were met with a large and tall fence it had a a rusty red paint on it that was slowly peeling away,you quickly open the fence door you were about to go in until you heard foot steps sound like running towards you got quickly closed and lock the fence door than ran to you're house.only to hear bashing on the fence door it slowly was breaking down,'nope' you thought you went into the house closed and locked the door now you went to the phone and try to call the police but couldn't no reception"Fuck!bad reception damn phone i should be able to call them without service the fuck." you said to you're self getting a little mad just as you were gotta try again,you heard a loud crash it came from the yard "Fuck! he must of broke the fence door." you spoke now you were really scare.Thinking fast you went to you're room,went into the closet and locked yourself in there you kept hearing loud crashes from the thunder was making the house shake non-a-less you kept quite and just waited five,ten.Twenty minutes gone by and nothing was heard exempt for the thunder outside,at first you thought he was searching for you that wasn't far from the truth when you're bedroom door opened slowly,He was walking in you're room and sounded like they were looking around you almost cried but you had to be brave at least try to finding something to defend yourself with,you looked around the closet trying to find a weapon but nothing you were a sitting duck at this point.just than you heard a voice it was right in front of the closet door that sounded like they were speaking German The door slowly opened and there he was he was holding a scalpel in hand,only thing you remember was Screaming Loudly before he lunged at you.

The next morning it was still raining but there was a police at you're house a neighbor called and said they heard Screaming a person was murdered by the name of (y/n)(y/l/n) There throat was slit and there was a razor in there hand,The cops searched to see if there's any Clues but there were none the one clue was that the floor was very wet but that only led to person in the closet so they put (y/n) in a body bag and took them outside in the distances four blocks away there was the Murderous doctor, he smiled that he frame his latest murder as a Suicide now for the other one he killed before (y/n),well they were just a tasty dish he ate and saved for later,he walked away and went towards the park and into the woods where he waited for the next victim. 


Holy crud I am done haha ;; 7 ;;

I suck at horror stories sorry!

but hope you like it ; w ;

TeamFortress2 XReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora