Broken *~ (SLC PUNK2 prt 1)

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He was your typical bad boy punk. I was a nobody who didn't even have a genre to be in. I sigh sitting in an oddeties shop that recently hired me. "I don't get you, you're nothing." Stated Shelly. A girl that was oh so obviously an emo kid. I glanced up at her, before looking up at Ross and his new girlfriend enter. "Mom?" He called seeing me.

I wasn't a punk, I wasn't goth. I wasn't emo. I wasn't even a normal person. And then I seen him, his name was crash. Or it's what everyone called him. Trish came from her office to greet them. "Who's she?" Trish turned to me and smiled. "My newest worker, she's an odd one." Crash looked at me and shrugged. "Maybe she's a punk?" He shrugged and went outside to smoke.

I sighed and shook my head. "I'm just me.." I'd say and excuse myself outside. Trish looked worried but I shrugged it off.

Crash was outside with headphones in his ears, rocking out to whatever he was listening to. I sighed and lit a cigarette. I noticed he was staring at me. I had on combat boots. Camo cargo pants and a shirt that read "normal people scare me" as a joke of a shirt.

I turned to walk away, as he caught up to me. "I don't get it. What are you?" He'd ask, as I stopped and stared at him. "I don't need justification like you. I'm just me." I say irritatedly. "So what's your name?" He asks and watches me. I take a long drag and look out at the parking lot. "You can call me Crowley." I say in the most sarcastic tone I can muster. I got a grin on his face, as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "You're funny, I like it." Crash said and I shook my head. "Not interested." I'd say, shrugging him off.

He looked a bit hurt but straightened up as Ross and his girlfriend came out. "Hey, are we headed to the concert?" The girl asked, as I raised an eyebrow. "You mean the westmarsh concert?" I ask, as she nods. "Have fun..." I mumble and start back into the shop. The emo girl looked to me and teared up a bit. "Why don't you go to the concert?" I glared at her and looked to Trish. "I'm calling it a day, I'll be in tomorrow." I say and rush out the door.

Emo girl gets on my nerves so badly. I sigh unlocking the door to my apartment, walking in and plopping onto my bed. "Why don't I go to the concert, Shelly? Maybe because my boyfriend decided I wasn't worth going with, even though I bought the damn tickets!" I snapped at my ceiling, I sigh and decided I'd go by myself. I snatched the keys up to my 67 chevy impala and anything else I'd need and sped off to the concert.

Arriving, I see the red car that ross' girlfriend has. I walk up to the ticket person and hand over two tickets. "Wait wait, you only need one." He'd stop me. "Keep it, I got it for my now ex. I don't need it." I'd say and he'd shrug putting it back for resale.

White chapel was up singing, everyone was dancing around. I of course stood towards the back watching. Westmarsh was a fairly new punk band. I had been wanting to see them for a few weeks.

I see crash in the mosh circle. "Heyyy!!!" I hear beside me, looking up I see my ex. "Glad you made it!" He'd say, obviously drunk. I shoved him away as he tried to kiss me. "Thomas!" I snap and shove him into the mosh circle. Hearing him holler excitedly. I escape to the outer far edge but right next to the stage.

"Hey, you made it." I look and see crash. "Yeah, I have been wanting to see this concert for a while." I'd say as he wrapped an arm around me. "Hey! She's mine!" I hear Thomas as crash turns to look. "Fuck off, she's mine now!" Knowing Thomas he threw the first punch. And the two broke out into a fist fight.

I recognized westmarsh's lead singer as he came over and broke the boys apart. "Hey! My concert, you don't pull this shit. Take it outside!" As a security guard came over. "Alex wait!" I'd say as the lead singer looked to me. "Tall one is with me, he was just defending me from that creep." I'd say as Alex had the security guard let crash go. "It's good to see you again." I gave him a hug as crash looked confused. "Hey, come backstage later." I nodded as he escaped the crowd to get back stage.

Crash wrapped his arm around me as westmarsh came out on stage and began playing. "We gotta talk later." Crash whispered into my ear, I knew what he wanted to talk about. I handed him the extra backstage pass.

After the concert we went back stage to say hey to the band. Alex hugged me tightly. "It's so awesome to see you again." He'd say, smiling from ear to ear. "Crash, Alex is actually a friend I went to school with." He'd shake crash' hand. "You're lucky if you got this chick. She used to be the most bad ass punk I've ever known. Could kick anyone's ass and would if they pushed her to far." I laughed and shook my head. "I wouldn't say I was that good." I'd try to down play it, as crash nodded. "Yeah I am lucky." He'd say as we would hear the band holler for him. "Damn, I was hoping for more time to visit." Alex would grumble as I smiled.

Crash peeked around him as he sighed. "It's okay, after the tour is done, you should come here." I'd say as Alex nodded. "Definitely." He'd give me a quick hug before running off.

Crash rode with me back to my apartment. "That's pretty awesome you know the band." He'd say as we stood outside the door. "Yeah..." I trailed off a moment. "Crash.. thank you." I'd say, as he looked confused a moment. "That guy you got into a fight with is my ex." He shrugged. "It's no biggy, he is a douchebag." I nod in agreement. "Anyways, thank you. I've never had anyone stand up for me like that." I'd say and lean up to kiss his cheek. He smiled and gave a hug. "Well, I guess I'll catch you later." He'd say, turning to walk away. "Wait."

He'd stop and turn half way. "Yeah?" I took a deep breath in. "Wanna come in and watch a movie?" I asked, as he nodded. "Sounds like fun." He'd say as I unlocked the door and we went in.

He sat on the couch as I escaped to the kitchen and grabbed two long necks. I handed him one and sat down. I noticed he took his jacket off. "I didn't think you'd want spikes cutting the couch up." He'd say as he took a drink. "Prefer if you didn't." I'd say sitting the bottle on the table and flipping through Netflix.

I click the suicide squad movie and dozed off half way through. I hadn't realized I cuddled into his chest. I woke up to the tv off, and him asleep beside me. I blushed red, and heard a knock on my door.

Checking the clock, 12 am. Who the fuck is at my door? I grumble in my head as I get up. Crash grunted but didn't wake up. I peaked through the eye hole to see Thomas there. He had a dozen roses and a teddy bear. "I know you're home, baby. Please, open up!" He hit the door harder as I backed away from it.

Crash grunted as he sat up and looked at me. "Who's banging the door?" He'd ask as I shushed him. "Come on, please!" I heard him beg as crash looked to the door. "Go up stairs." He'd whisper as I snuck away. I hid but watched.

Crash opened the door and looked to Thomas coldly. "What part of 'mine' don't you get, fuckboy." He snarled, as Thomas growled almost. "I'm no fuck boy. She's my queen and I'm her king. Ride or die!" He'd say, as Crash laughed. "You missed it, she's asleep. I fucked her the way she deserves. So piss off, wannabe." He'd say shoving Thomas backwards and shutting the door. Thomas punched the door but I snuck down and peaked out the blinds to see him leaving, defeated. I almost tackled Crash in a hug.

He held sturdy as he hugged me. "Thank you." I say as he smiles. "Welcome. I suppose I should go myself hm?" He'd say looking out the blinds to make sure Thomas was gone.

I shake my head. "It's already late, you're welcome to stay." I say and take his hand, I lead him to my room and smile warmly. "You're welcome to have my room, I'll sleep on the couch." I say but he pushes in for a kiss.


To be continued... ... ...

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