Just your average witch*¥~ (hp prt 1)

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Sarah Crowler was your average and typical student, aside from being in the whole magical world. She usually made great grades and kept to herself. Her father andg mother had gotten killed by a rouge witch. Thus she moved to England to be with her god father Tomas Riddle. She hadn't ever met him before, but heard stories about him. It did make her want to meet him.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today. She comes from Ilvermorny school, based in America." Professor McGonagall announced, looking slightly annoyed. Sarah stood nervously, holding her book to her chest. She had long blond hair and piercing blue eyes. She wore her old school uniform. Which was green and gold in color. Her socks were up to her knees and her shoes were black and shiny.

Draco Malfoy noticed her look. She had to be a pure blood. He noticed a mark sticking out under the shirt sleeve on her forearm. It looked like a snake head.


Voldemort sat in his chair, sipping at tea that Pettigrew made. "M'lord. I hate to interrupt your morning tea, but your god daughter is here now." Bellatrix almost whispered, scared of interrupting her lord's tea time. "You mean Tomas Riddle's god daughter?" He'd say irritatedly, knowing he'd have to transform from his current form. On top of that, he loathed being interrupted by anyone during tea.

Bellatrix nodded, unsure of if he could actually see her. He wriggled his nose and set the tea cup down. "Be sure the younger Malfoy brings her here." He'd sigh as Bellatrix left immediately to get a hold of Draco.


Dinner time and everyone was chatting, Sarah sat on her own at the end of the Slytherin table. She looked a tad lonely, as she ate. Draco flinched at his mark burning a bit. "Bring the new girl to the dark lord, as soon as possible please." Came Bellatrix's voice, and Draco nodded his head.

Draco stood getting looks from Pansy, who he waved off. He walked down the isle and sat beside Sarah. "So, what makes you so special?" She looked up to him and blushed red. "Um-uh well..." she stuttered, unsure of how to react to him.

He was actually pretty hot, and usually guys avoided her like the plague considering who her great great grandfather was. "Might I ask what you mean?" She looked confused by the question. Draco sighed. "I'm sorry, my aunt asked me to take you to see the dark lord." He whispered so none would hear. "I'm just wondering what makes you special?" Draco looked her face over, trying to figure her out.

Sarah looked around before staring at him. "Well, my grandfather was Salazar Slytherin." She blushed, expecting him to turn and run. Her eyes drifted to his arm and she noticed the mark. He quickly covered it up. "So come with me, m'lord would like to meet you." Draco said offering his hand to her.

Sarah looked around, but followed him out of the dining hall. Following him down the halls, as he lead her to a secret passage that would take them to the house.

Sarah held onto his arm. She was nervous, and wasn't entirely sure why. Draco stopped at the front door, and ushered her in first.

Sarah knocked on the door, and looked to Draco nervously. "Come in." Came a voice, making her jump almost. She opened the door to see a musty old looking room. A green recliner with its back to the door. "Don't be afraid, I won't bite." Came the voice, as Sarah stepped closer and around the chair.

A male with dark brown hair sat in the chair, soft rat pack jazz played in the record player. His green eyes looked to her, taking her in. "Um..." she started before being cut off. "I presume you are Sarah Crowler. Otherwise known as my god daughter? I'm terribly sorry about your parents, they were great friends of mine." Sarah's eyebrows almost fused as she looked at him.

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