Thats just Dandy. (AHS: S4) *~

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Dandy Mott had a reputation for being crazy, and it only made me that much more nervous to meet him. Me and him had been betrothed as children by our father's. But, after Dandy's father died, my father refused to let me near them. In high school, we remained friends while I dated other guys.

I sigh, staring at the door. My eyes tracing the rose pattern in the glass. The door framed by a beautiful dark brown oak wood. The door nob had a faux diamond on it. I looked to the doorbell, and took a deep breath in to fill my lungs as I heard the chime when I pushed the button. An elderly looking woman answered it, her blond and gray hair curled around her face making her look more innocent.

She adjusted the reading glasses on her face. "You must be Grace, the girl who called about Dandy?" I tilted my head, and stared confused. "No ma'am, I guess you don't remember me?" She finally took the reading glasses off, and stared for a moment. "Alice? Little Alice Crowley?" I nodded and she beamed at me. "Come in, baby. I've not seen you in years, Dandy will be excited to see you again." She'd say as she lead the way to his room. I took a deep breath in as she knocked on his door. "Damnit mother! I told you to not bother me!" He'd say coldly, as he swung open the door.

When he saw my face, he instantly calmed down. "Who's this lovely girl?" He'd turn his charm on. I hadn't completely looked up at him yet, but when I did, he looked shocked.

My eyes are two different colors, one brown and the other half brown and half blue. He had the look like a distant memory flashing before his eyes. "You don't remember me, do you?" I ask, smiling slightly at him. He took a deep breath in and I seen tears come to his eyes. "I told you he'd be happy to see you again." I heard his mom mumble as she walked off to leave us alone.

A pungent odor filled my nose, and I tried to peek around Dandy to see the cause, without being obvious. "She brought me a new toy?" I felt the pain sting my chest. Alice, who are you kidding? Dandy isn't the same boy you knew. I whimpered in my head. He took my hand, leading me in.

He flung me into the seat, and I gave a cough. My breath being knocked out by the retched smell that filled my nose. "Alice Rose Crowley, I didn't think I'd ever see you again." I turned and looked at him. "Dandy, please. Please don't hurt me." Dandy furrowed his brow looking at me.

"I wouldn't ever dream of it." He'd say, tilting his head. I turned to look at the blood stained floors, and blinked at them. "Dandy, how many?" I ask, feeling the seat beside me lower as he sat beside me. "I've lost control, I've lost count. You probably see me as a freak, don't you?" He looked a tad sad, as he spoke.

I looked to the blood once more and sighed. "Dandy, I'm the one with two different colored eyes. How are you the freak?" He smiled as I touched his face. "But, I am curious, why did these people have to die?" I study his face, hoping an answer would jump out. "I don't like being called a freak. Remember that Brandon kid?" He'd ask, as I nodded my head. I only vaguely remember the kid who used to pick on and bully Dandy and I. "His brain hit the wall, Matilda was furious I messed up the wall." I couldn't stifle the giggle. Matilda was Dandy's house cleaning lady. Her getting mad was funny. She was 5'2", and chubby.

"I went and hunted him down, looking back I probably should have let it go." I shrug and watch him. "He deserved it, he always threw rocks at us." Not to mention the fact he cornered me in high school and him and three of his friends took turns raping me.

I lowered my hand and felt saddened myself. Dandy touched my face gently. "Alice, I heard what he did to you. It boiled my blood. He had to pay for that." I looked him in the eye before practically tackling him in a hug. "Oh, Dandy! You mean you killed him over me?" I felt happy tears prickle at my eyes, as he kissed my head. "I'd do it again and again, just for you." He'd say before standing up. "I found three of them, but I saved the last one for you." He'd say, pulling a lever and a wall spun to reveal Brady baskins, hanging naked on the wall. His mouth was gagged and taped. I stood and walked over to face him. His eyes pleaded for me to release him.

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