Sweetheart Breakfast

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(Yes, I know that sometimes when they talk, there aren't quotations around some words afterwords or before - it's because they -who's ever POV it is in- are thinking those things- it's a new writing style thing I'm going to try a little bit) 

(Also, sorry for sucky chapter- I tried!!!)

  "Since you obviously didn't sleep well last night, I'm going to make you the best breakfast ever!" Ethan said planting a kiss on (Y/N)'s lips and jumping out of bed. "But you're going with me!" Ethan quickly ran over to (Y/N)'s side of the bed and swept the girl up in his arms.
  (Y/N) laughed and giggled while Ethan walked to the kitchen. "You're adorable, ya know it?" (Y/N) said while looking up at Ethan while he walked.
   "You're even more adorable."
   "Sure, whatever."
   "I mean it!" Ethan placed (Y/N) in a stool.
   "Well you haven't even put your glasses or contacts on yet." (Y/N) rested both elbows on the marble island in front of her.
   "That just proves how adorable you are~" Ethan said in a sing song voice. 
   (Y/N) puffed out an 'hm' and crossed her arms while her eyes followed Ethan. Ethan was getting the mixing bowls, eggs, flour, and all the other stuff needed to make pancakes.
  As Ethan started getting the supplies set up, (Y/N) found herself falling into a day dream.

(Y/N)'s POV
~~Day Dream World~~ (its only day dream world in your POV)
  "Ethan- w-what are you doing?" I started blushing when I noticed Ethan so close to me, a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. Ethan softly pressed my nose with frosting on his finger then he leaned in to whisper in my ear. I shivered when he spoke.
  "You look tasty~"

Ethan's POV
  "(Y/N)? Hello~ Back to Earth!" I waved my hands in front of (Y/N), trying to get her attention. She suddenly looked at me and her cheeks grew red.
What? Did I do something wrong? "(Y/N)?"
"Y-yes?" (Y/N) brought her hands up to her cheeks to cover her blush but I had already seen it.
"Why are you so red?" What had gotten into her? I was mixing the pancake mix and was just getting ready to start making pancakes when I noticed her completely out of focus and not listening to a think I was saying.
(Fun fact about author-chan: I can't make pancakes! I know! It's the simplest thing to make but I just don't know how to make the mix! I'm sure I can cook them, I just can't make the mix! When I learned at school- we were in a group so they did it and I didn't learn.)
"I- I .... n-nothing."
"It's not just nothing. What is it?" Babe.... is something wrong? What is it? Speak to me women!
"I just... thought of something wrong."
"Wrong?" Ok, I'm completely confused now.
"Like, as in something kind of ...... d-..... dirty." (Y/N) nervously laughed and smiled embarrassedly at me.
"Oh" a sudden smirk grew onto my face. It's time for a tease.

Story Word Count: 422 words

A/Ns throughout chapter: 475 (yeah- I know- it's sad. XD it's longer than the chapter itself)


Hey! So sorry I haven't updated for at least two weeks! I've been busy! It's the end of the year so everything is happening at once! I honestly started this chapter two weeks ago but I never had time to finish it. I hope you all understand?
  But while I've been gone- some pretty good things have happened to me, but of course, there was a lot of sadness and stress through it all.
  In the summer of 2018 I'm going to Europe!!! Some of you may not find it at all cool cuz you live there or you just don't care in general, but I'm the adventurous type! And I'll be able to go to London!!!! I'll be 16 by the time we go. It's do a band thing. Band kids all around the United States goes. (Each state goes on different days). We will go to seven countries!
  My personal favorite country (no offense to others, nothing is to be taken to offense), the United Kingdom, is the first country we will be going to!!!
  Ireland and Great Britain are my top two fave countries. But I do absolutely love the other countries too!
  So anywho, when we go to the U.K., we will be in London!!!! After about three days there, we will head off to Paris, France for three days! Then to Switzerland for three days, then Lichtenstein for literally just lunch because it's a small country. Then to Italy for three days, then Austria for three days, and the last country- Germany!
That's all next summer. This summer I will be busy with high school volleyball practices. 😩
  Also- for those who don't know- I'm currently learning three Languages because I'm fascinated with different cultures and languages. I'm learning Irish Gaelic, Korean, and German! - also, I'm 1/4 German because both of my great grandparent's parents were from Germany. So yeah.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this small update to the story, then the update to my life. Sorry if you're not interested. That's completely fine with me- you don't have to read this A/N. XD

Anywho- I love you guys. Thanks for sticking with me still. I appreciate it. Goodbye my loves~

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