A Walk Through The Park

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When you read this, you'll find that I twisted some of the ideas you guys gave me so I can make this chapter a long and good kinda one! Maybe... we'll see I guess. Anywho, let's do this! Read away!
Giggles rang through the air as Ethan and (y/n) walked through the park.
  "Oh my gosh Ethan.... why on earth would you do that?!" (Y/N) questioned while giggling at Ethan's small story.
   "Because, Mark needed revenge and I thought, what else would be better than dropping ice down his pants?" Ethan said grinning at his girlfriend.
   (Y/N) had calmed down and she smiled at her boyfriend then two girls ran up to the couple.
   "Oh my gosh! Your CrankGamePlays!" One of the girls said. This one had her hair cut short and dyed blue like Ethan's. She looked friendly.
   "And your (Y/N)! Ethan's girlfriend! You guys are my OTP and have been sense Mark tweeted that picture do you too!" The other girl said. This girl had longer hair and a strip of her hair was dyed a light green. She smiled brightly at the couple.
   "Yep. That's me." (Y/N) said smiling. She was happy to hear that Ethan and herself were accepted by these two.
  "Can we take a picture with you both?" The girl with short blue hair asked.
  "Sure!" Ethan and (Y/N) said at once. The girls giggled at their cuteness and the couple blushed slightly.
  After getting into a pose, the picture was taken and the girls thanked the pair before taking off.
  "Well they were sweet." (Y/N) said standing in the sidewalk watching the girls disappear. Ethan shut stained st her though.
  "Not as sweet as your lips." Ethan said smirking. (Y/N) turned toward Ethan with a crimson blush but almost right as she turned to face him, his lips were planted onto hers. The two stood like this for about two minutes before it started to sprinkle.
  "Looks like we better get someplace with a roof over or heads." Ethan said grabbing (Y/N)'a hand.
   "Starbucks?" (Y/N) asked.
   "Starbucks." Ethan said with a grin.
The two silently walked in peace. Today was a beautiful day.

---le time skip---

The bell rang indicating new customers (idk! I've told you before that I've never been to Starbucks. I'm just assuming things.... bare with me here!).
(Y/N) and Ethan walked up to the counter to order their drinks then they went to sit down at a booth.
"So ..... we've been together a few months now and next month is February-" Ethan started.
  "Ethan, no. Not yet. I've told you this." (Y/N) whisper yelled at Ethan.
  "What?! (Y/N) that's not even what I was gonna say! I already know that anyways. I'm not the kind of guy to try and try to convince you into that." Ethan said quietly so others around couldn't hear.
  "Oh. Thank goodness." (Y/N) said whipping imaginary sweat from her forehead.
  Ethan chuckled the sighed. "What I was going to say was, we've been together for a few months and sense next month is February.... I wanted to know if you'd like to go to Disneyland? Just you and me?" Ethan said with a cheeky grin.
  "Uh, idk Ethan. It's a lot of money. I can't afford that at the moment. I would love to but I don't have the money." (Y/N) said looking down.
  "That's completely fine (Y/N). You won't be paying for it." Ethan said with a grin now.
  "But Ethan, I know you don't Shen the money either."
  "Your correct. But I'm not paying for it either." Ethan smirked now.
  "What? Then who?"
  "Mark is. He said he got these valentine special things so he got a discount thing. Mark said he would pay for it if I took you."
  "Really?! He's so sweet, but what about him and Amy?" (Y/N) asked with a puzzled expression. "Wouldn't he want to take her?"
  "Nope. They've already been to Disneyland plenty of times. They have other things planned." Ethan said with a smile. (GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF THE GUTTER YOU DIRTY MINDED CHILDREN!..... 😂)
  "Oh. Ok then. I'll go with you Ethan! It'll be fun!" (Y/N) said happily then she looked off to the left of Ethan's shoulder and saw someone.
    "I'll be right back Ethan. I have to talk to someone." (Y/N) said sliding out of the booth and walking over to the person she spotted.
   Ethan turned around to see what (Y/N) was doing. His eyes followed her until he spotted a man. The two started talking.
  'Who the flip is he?'
Word Count: 782

CLIFFHANGER! OHHHHH! How do ya like them apples?!
   I really like apples. My fave are probably the green or yellow. But I like them all! .... as long as they don't have that dusty texture to them.  Otherwise it's just gross. Anywho, I got off topic there....

  So... what do you guys think will happen next?! Hmmmm???
  Who is this mysterious man?
  What will happen between (Y/N) and Ethan?
  Who knows! Maybe they will all die in the next chapter cuz Ethan gets too jealous or angry and decides to murder them!!!! MWHAHAHAHA!
... ok that got intense.
And that will not happen. This story is not gonna go down that fast here.
  I'd like to not have any deaths in this book..... yet.

Anywho, imma go now. I may or may not start in the next chapter. I'm kinda tired even though it's only 6. I've just been super low on sleep lately I guess. Idk.

Ok. BYEEEEEEE! (Sorry... this a/n has kinda gotten out of hand XD )

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