A Fan (I don't really have a good name for this one)

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(Y/N)'a POV
  "Um. Excuse me miss, but I believe you have my phone?" A voice said behind me. I instantly slammed my phone down in hopes they didn't see. Oh gosh. I hope I didn't brake it.
I turn toward the voice and my eyes widen but I don't scream. It's Ethan, aka CrankGamePlays. I'm just lucky I wasn't reading a fanfic while he was standing there.
Wait! Did he see me watching one of Mark's videos with him in it?! Noooo! I don't know why but I was a little embarrassed.
"Uh. Hi." I said somewhat calmly.
"I believe you have my phone?" He said glancing over at the phone laying beside me on the table. I looked over at it and back at him.
"Oh. T-that's your phone?" I asked looking back at the phone in shock.
"Yeah and you called the one and only Markiplier earlier to return the phone didn't you?" Ethan asked with a bright smile.
I knew the voice was familiar! Oh my gosh! I can't believe I talked to Markiplier and found CrankGamePlays phone and now I'm talking to him! I'm dying on the inside!!!
"Oh. H-here I guess." I said somewhat calmly while handing his phone to him.
"I'm assuming your a fan of Markiplier? I saw you watching one of Mark's videos. The 7 second challenge." Ethan said. How have I not burst into flames yet?!
"Yeah. And I'm an even huger fan of you! In fact I watch your videos more than Mark's!" I say surprisingly fast causing Ethan to chuckle.
"May I sit with you for a few moments?" Ethan asked spin a fake bow to be silly.
"Sure!" I said being a bit too loud causing one of the workers to come by and ask me to quiet down. "Oops."
Ethan laughed at that. "I'm glad your a fan. I'm also glad your not the type to scream and trample me, not that I have fans like that it's just-"
"Wow wow wow! You obviously don't know how many fangirls you have do you?! I'm sure any of us would probably do that but we care too much about you and we respect your space. Plus, a true fangirl isn't someone who attacks their idol and has a lot of posters or merch of their idol. A true fangirl, or even a true fan is someone who respect their idols space and truly cares about them. Yes, they may have a lot of merch but that's not what makes them a fan." I said suddenly feeling proud of myself.
"Wow. I- I don't think I've ever really thought of it that way." Ethan said stunned but with a giant smile on his face.
  "As much as I would absolutely love to stay here and chat with you, I have to go. Sorry Ethan." I said kind of cringing on the inside.
   "Oh yes. That's perfectly fine." Ethan said getting up from the booth with me. (Once again, bare with me. I've never been to Starbucks.) "Uh, would it be ok if I ask for your number?"
  I literally froze. I couldn't believe it but I was so happy.
  I nodded and quickly wrote down my phone number. "Thanks for making me happy Ethan. Bye."
  Then I was gone.


Word count (counting the A/N too): 628
Ok so I'm super happy. But I'm also kind of scared of Ethan actually reading this. I mean I want him to but I'm mostly scared that this is a bad fanfiction or just the fact that at awkward because he would be reading a fanfic I made about him probably! But I'm still happy and nothing will ruin that!
And sorry for such a short chapter!

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