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--Ethan's POV--
"Sorry about earlier (Y/N), Mark got a hold of my phone and thought it would be funny-" I tried apologizing but (Y/N) just interrupted me saying there was so need to apologize. In fact she found me apologizing to be a little funny for some reason so I just laughed with her.
"So about that diner? I'm kinda hungry." (Y/N) giggled.
"Race ya to the park exit!" I yelled and started running. I heard giggling behind me and suddenly the giggling came from in front of me. She caught up!
"Haha! Beat ya!" (Y/N) shouted once she was on the sidewalk right outside the park exit. We both stood there with our hands on our knees catching our breaths for a few minutes before continuing the walk down the sidewalk.
"The small diner isn't far from here." I said walking side by side with (Y/N).
"What is the diner called?" She asked. I slightly cringed.
"Well ya see.... I kinda forgot that part. I've only really been here once." I nervously laughed and (Y/N) just giggled.
"Well I guess we'll just have to find out then shall we..." (Y/N) said just barely above a whisper. I just chuckled lightly.


--(Y/N)'a POV--
After Ethan and I ate our meals we sat in the cozy diner chatting for quite sometime. I'm glad Ethan brought me here but I was kind of on the down and up side.
What if Ethan didn't like me the way I liked him and it was just Mark being a butt face? But also... what if it was true that Ethan liked me and that's why Mark was being a butt face and took Ethan's phone and text it to me?
'Ughhhhh!!! I just don't know!'
"So (Y/N) would you like to meet someplace tomorrow and hang out again? Your a really cool and fun person to be around." Ethan asked looking happily into my eyes.
Oh my glob. I can't believe Ethan, my crush and idol, just told me that I'm cool and fun to be around and he wants to hang out again! Like. Oh. My. Goodness!
"Sure. I'd really like that." I said smoothly and calmly when really I was dying on the inside... but in a good way of course!
   "Great! Hey maybe we can meet here and then just wonder around town? Maybe you can show places I've never been to and I can show you places live never been to." Ethan suggested.
   "Yeah! That would be fun. I'm totally in." I said. Honestly in my opinion I don't think I'm a very fun person, but apparently I am if he says so!
"Uh, would you like a ride home?" Ethan offers. "Or do you have your own vehicle? I didn't see weather you drove here, walked, or if someone dropped you off..."
    "Oh, I was dropped off my my friend (F/N). But I can call her over again if you have places to be. I'm sure you have some videos to record." I said blushing slightly.
  "No no (Y/N), its fine, really. Plus, I already have today's video uploaded." Ethan chuckled.
  "Oh. Sorry I haven't really checked YouTube tod-" I tried saying before Ethan shushed me.
  "(Y/N). It's fine. Come on, I'll give out a ride home." Ethan said and payed for our meals.
   "No Ethan! Let me pay for mine!" I exclaimed putting down the cash.
   "Nope. That wouldn't be ver gentlemen of me now would it?" Ethan said smirking.
   "Hey... you can be a gentlemen without paying, plus, I'm sure you'd like to save your gentlemen skills on a girl you look forward to seeing everyday. Not me." I said slightly smirking back.
  I didn't hear a response from him but he still didn't let me pay.
  As we left out the door he held it for me again and I thought I heard him mumble "You are the girl I look forward to seeing everyday...."

--Ethan's POV--
    On the way to (Y/N)'s house she had to give me directions but we still talked about random things between it all.
    "Turn left." She would say casually then we would carry on talking about random nothings. "Go strait."
   No, I wasn't doing this to find her address!
   Ok. Maybe I was, but not only that. I think I'm starting to really like her and I wanted to be a gentlemen but I haven't known her long enough to start a relationship. Plus, why would she love me? I'm sure all she would want to be is a fan and a friend. Nothing more.
   Ugh. Why do I have to have these complicated thoughts?!
  "Turn right."
As we continue to have our meaningless chat, I can't help but notice by looking in the corner of my eye that (Y/N) looked just as beautiful with the sun in the distance shining on her. She is so gorgeous... I wish I could just kiss her-
  "Right here!" (Y/N) said pointing to a house to out right. It was a white, two story house. It was quite pretty actually and it looked rather cozy with the few bushes lining the front of the house.
  I pulled into the empty driveway and (Y/N) turned to me. "Thanks Ethan. Today was actually super fun. Your amazing. Bye, see you later."
  "Bye (Y/N)! It was no problem. I had fun too!" I said then we both waved as she got out.
  Time for home.


As I pulled into Mark's driveway and parked the car I noticed money and a note in (Y/N)'s seat.
As I read the note I groaned.
Hey Ethan! You didn't let me pay at the diner so I thought I would go ahead and leave the money here! And you can't give it back so don't even think about it!
  I chuckled and picked up the money. "Don't 'and you can't give it back' me because I'm about to prove that wrong..." I mumbled under my breath as I climbed out of the car.

Word Count NOT counting the A/N: 1025

Yep. This chapter is longer than usual.
Guys! Thank you! The book has reached 1k reads thanks to you lovely readers!
This is a longer chapter for you all. I know it's not anything super big yet but I'm not gonna rush things into the story because I'm trying to make this a really good story. And sorry if you find these beginning chapters boring.
It's getting there! Trust me!
And if any of you have any ideas for a chapter before they do get together or even after they get together, then go ahead!
I already have a plan for a future chapter for either their first date or how they get together. I can't wait to write it up!
Anyways, bub-bye my lovely people! *mwah!*

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