Laser Tag

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--No Ones POV (also known as, third person view)--
(Y/N) continued to sleep soundlessly when suddenly her phone alarm went off.
"Ahh! Die!" (Y/N) quickly reached over and turned the alarm off before quickly jumping out of bed with a smile wide across her face. (Sorry if you don't get up that fact but I usually do, especially sense I have a crush as my motivation just like you do in this story.)
'Today is a good day!' (Y/N) thought. She was planning on dressing in a pair of skinny jeans with a CrankGamePlays shirt that she had gotten during one of Ethan's live streams but made sure the shirt was tucked into her pants.
Meanwhile Ethan was still in his pajamas while waltzing down the stairs to get breakfast. He simply popped two waffles into the toaster then grabbed a banana to eat while waiting for the waffles to finish toasting.
   After Ethan's waffles were done and eaten he decided it was time for him to get out of his PJs.
   (Y/N) on the other head was just finishing up putting makeup on. Just a bit of liner, eyeshadow, and mascara. Then she left her bedroom and went for her small kitchen that widely opened up to her living room. (Y/N) flicked on the TV from her spot in the Kitchen then placed the remote back on the counter were it was.
    (Y/N) decided to eat (fave breakfast). After her food was made she took it and walked to the living room.
  Sitting her butt on the couch (Y/N) realized she forgot the remote in the kitchen.
   (Y/N) just groaned before placing her food down on her glass coffee table and getting up to get the remote.


--Ethan's POV--
This morning all I can really think about is (Y/N). Her hair, her features, and her beautiful smile.
I wanted to kiss that smile. But no. I must wait. If she doesn't like me that way then I suppose kissing her would never be an option.


"Bye!" I said before turning off my camera.
The video probably wasn't the best because most of the time I got distracted and pulled into my own mind. Even while recording, all I could think about was (Y/N). Why won't my heart just stop for a moment?!
After editing the video and editing out most of the parts I could of me dazing off into my own world I decided to call (Y/N) while publishing the video.
It only took two rings for her to answer.
"Hello?" The voice from the phone said.
"Hi (Y/N), are you ready for today?" I asked.
"Yeah! I'm supper excited. We're meeting at the park in about 20 minutes right?"
"Um actually, if you don't mind, I'd like to pick you up from your place?" I asked.
"Oh yeah. Sure. Remember where I live?"
"Yeah. I'll be there in a few. Bye (Y/N)."
"I think I love her...." I whispered to myself while pressing the button to hang up.
Off to (Y/N)'s house.

--(Y/N)'s POV--
Oh. My. Flipfrick. I don't know if I heard him right or if he was talking about me but what I think I heard can't be right right?!
'I think I love her.....'
Did I hear that right? Yes! I'm sure I did. But I don't think he's talking about me. I'm sure he's talking about someone else. Someone prettier because he doesn't like me.
Oh flipfrick! He's here.
I quickly grabbed my small handbag and phone then bolted out the door.

"Hey there's this laser tag center I went to once with Mark and Tyler. Do you want to go and play a round?" Ethan asked me as we drove around LA not really knowing where we were going. In fact, I don't even think I knew where I was. I've never been to this part of LA.
"Sure! That sounds super fun!" I said doing slight jazz hands.
Ethan chuckled then turned right. Suddenly we were in front of a building with a big sign that read 'Laser Tag Academy'.
When the two of us entered the building, we were in the 'lobby' part so we walked right up to the guy at the counter.
"What can I get for you guys?" The guy asked with a smile. He looked around mine and Ethan's age.
"We'd like to play two three rounds for two please." Ethan said pulling the money out of his wallet and handing it to the guy.
The guy handed us our equipment and looked at me and winked. I just ignored it and Ethan and I went to the laser tag area. (Please bare with me. I've never been to a laser tag place.)

"Ah!" I screamed after getting shot by Ethan who ended up laughing on the ground and getting shot by another player. It was my turn to laugh.
Ethan and I waited for the next round in the lobby and we sat talking.
"I'll be back. I'm going to use the rest room." Ethan said leaving me and walking over to the restroom area.
"Hey hot stuff. What do ya say we leave this joint and go find ourselves back at my place?" The guy from the counter said to me.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. You. Me. Back at my place. My shift just ended. So what'd ya say?"
"Back off. I already have a boyfriend." I said. It was a lie but I needed to get this guy to back off.
"Oh? That guy back in the restrooms. You could do better than that." The guys said walking over to me and sitting right next to me.
"Just back off!"
I said pushing him away.
"Hey! I'm in charge, ya hear?!" The guy yelled at me and grabbed my wrist roughly.
"Just leave me alone!" I said starting to sob.
"Your coming with me princess..." he said.
"No. I don't think she is!" Someone said.
I turned to see Ethan quickly approaching the guy. In a matter of seconds Ethan punched the guy square in the face. I just continued to sob and Ethan quickly pulled me into a hug while dialing 911.
"Hello? What is your emergency?" Someone on the phone said.
"My .... g-girlfriend was being harassed and taken by a guy that works at 'Laser Tag Academy'."
"Police will be there any moment. Don't let the guy escape. Stay calm."
"Thank you. Bye." Ethan said and hung up. He continued to hold me close but kept his eyes on the guy in the ground.
There was another woman there that seemed to work here too but she looked kinder. She was here to help.
She held the man down and punched him down again every time he tried getting up.
The police got here and took the guy. He was also fired fork his job. Apparently the lady was the manager and she apologized for what happened with the guy. She said we could come back anytime and it would be free for the two of us to play.
Ethan and I decided to just hang out at my place for the rest of the day. I was still slightly sobbing but Ethan continued to comfort me and I was soon done with my soft crying.
"Thanks Ethan." I said blushing. He had his arm around me to help comfort me. It felt nice.
Ethan turned toward me and paused the movie that was on. "No problem (Y/N).... and ok sorry that happened to you and I'm sorry I called you my girlfriend. I just -"
"It's fine Ethan. You did what you had to do and you saved me. Thank you." I said hugging him again.
"Hey, (Y/N)?"
"Yes?" I asked pulling away from the hug.
"Mark is having a Christmas party in a few days. Would you like to come? I could pick you up if want." Ethan asks hopefully.
"Sure! I'd love to! That would be great! Thank you Ethan!" I said before drifting off.
"Sweet dreams (Y/N)." Ethan whispered before running a hand through my hair and kissing my forehead lightly. But I'm sure that was just a dream.

Word Count (not counting A/N): 1391

Thank you guys for reading this chapter and tolerating my somewhat slow updates. I've been somewhat busy but I've still have time to type some parts of chapters almost each day. So don't expect an update everyday, especially during the weekdays because that's when I'm busiest.
But anyways.... thank you guys for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoy! Love you all! 👋🏻 Bye Bye!

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