An Awkward Awakening

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A/N: Hey i'm sorry guys. I'm sorry I haven't had the time to update. I still don't really but I'm using the time I should I sleep to write part of this. I have had so many finals and I just have a lot going on inside my head. To people who see me, they don't see a difference in me but lately I have been feeling emotional. Like, every happy, cute, or sad thought I will just cry a little. It's just things I think about a lot of the time that build up I guess. I do kinda talk about them but then I feel bad cuz I'm spamming someone. I don't even make sense when I rant either. Any who, I don't want any pity from you guys. I just want you to know what's going on so if I don't update so soon you have an idea as of to why.
I also noticed that the story hit 2k reads! Oh my goodness guys! Thank you! That's a lot for me! Thank you so much! I love you guys.
Well, you guys probably want to get to the story now. XD I won't stop ya. Byyyyeeeeee!

---(Y/N)'s POV---
I woke the next morning with Ethan laying underneath me.
'Wait?! What?! Oh snap!"
I quickly scrambled off with the blanket coming with me. Maybe Ethan covered us both up.  'Oh no. What if when I feel asleep on him he couldn't get up so he just stayed cuz he didn't wanna wake me up?!'
I was mentally having a panic attack. What if I snored?! I don't know if I snore! What if I kicked or hit him in my sleep?! No! Oh glob. I'll never be able to live this down!
   Apparently while I was having my mental brake down, Ethan had awoken and was starring at me. Only then did I realize his shirt was thrown off.
  My face went from a shaded pink to a dark cherry red in just a matter of seconds. Then Ethan seemed to suddenly realize why.
  "Oh sorry. I didn't want to wake you last night and I kinda got hot so.... I took my shirt off." Ethan said with his cheeks dusted pink.
"I-it's fine E-Ethan. But you could have woken me. I would have been fine if you did." I said, still red.
  He slipped on his t-shirt. "Sorry. You just looked so peaceful and I thought it was cute. I didn't want to wake you."
'Oh. My. Flipper dipper. Bloop blip! He called me cute! I'm dying!"
"Oh." I said standing up. Ethan stood up too.
  "What would you like for breakfast?" I asked Ethan.
  "Honestly, I'm fine. You don't have to make me anything." Ethan said scratching the back of his neck.
   "Ethan, I'm making you food. What do you want?" I said putting my hand on my hip and starring right at him.
  Ethan sighed. "Do you have waffles?"
My smile grew. "Sure do!" I walked into the kitchen with Ethan close behind.
"Hey (Y/N), I'm just gonna go use the restroom. It's just right down the hall right?" Ethan asked. I nodded and he left.


"Waffles are done!" (Y/N) yelled.
"I'm right here. I've been standing here sense I got back." I said chuckling.
She just giggled, a little embarrassed. "Heh heh... I forgot." (Y/N) said turning around with the two plates in hand. She walked over to the island countertop, placed the food down, and sat next to me at one of the stools.
We just ate in silence after I thanked her. This silence was nice but I could feel the tension building up inside of me. Just tension. Then I looked over to (Y/N). My waffles waffles were gone and I turned to her as she finished hers. Now or never. Now or never. You can do this Ethan.
"Yes Ethan?" She asked concerned.
"I-....." I said feeling my cheeks heat up.
"Ethan. Spit it out." (Y/N) said.
"I really liked the waffles!" I just blurted out. I tried! But I failed! She looked hurt. I could see it in her eyes.
"Oh..... Thanks..." She said plainly and grabbed the two plates and took them to the sink to wash.

'Oh no. I think I made her upset. She's not saying anything more. Why did I chicken out?!'
I walked over to the side of her and saw a tear slide down her cheek but her hair quickly swept over her face to cover it. Now I feel really bad.
"(Y/N).... that's not really what I wanted to say.
"What do you wanna say then?!" She spat hatefully at me, but I could hear her voice crack when she spoke. She was trying so hard not to cry anymore.
She turned toward me. Not with a look of hate but a lot of hurt.
"I.... I really really like you....." I said turned bright red.
All the pain that showed in her face softened and she looked happy.
Then..... she hugged me and whispered into my ear. "I love you."
'Wake up'
'Come on Ethan, wake up! The waffles are done!'
Suddenly my eyes shot open and I sat strait up.
It was just a dream. It was all just a flipping dream!
"Ethan, your waffles are done now." (Y/N) said giggling at me.
"Thanks." I said as I sat correctly on the couch so she could sit and eat too.
"What did you dream about to make you say such stupid things? All I heard you mumble was 'Waffles. Waffles'. It was quite funny to listen too.

---No ones POV---
(Y/N) said she only heard him say waffles, but she heard him say so much more.
She heard the 'I love you too (Y/N)' that came from his muffled mouth right before he woke. She heard the 'I really really like you' that slipped from his lips. She was so glad he was dreaming about her. So so happy.
(Y/N) just hoped that Ethan would say those words to her one day in reality. Not just in dream world.

Word Count: 1111

Thank you guys soooo much for the 2k reads. I'm trying not to make this A/N so long.
If you have any ideas for future chapters, go ahead and lay 'em on me! :D
Once again, thank you guys so much for 2k reads! It truly means a lot!
Now, I either have to go and finish two finals or write another chapter. Byeeeeeee!
Ethan love is coming soon!

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