Kevin has the Oddest Timing! Chapter 21!

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hey dudes and dudetts

here is another chapter (3 in one day? hells yeah!) although sorry if its short :/

id upload more but i have to type it all up first! any who i love this one, its sad but cute =D i hope you enjoy it

-I DONT OWN TRUE BLOOD!!!!- but i would love to own a dragon!!! -hint hint- jk jk


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were you amazed? XD

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~STORY START~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~( I LOVE CAPPS!! XD)

“hello?” I smiled. Kevin has the oddest timing when he calls me.

“hey love. What’s shaking bacon?” he said, I could tell there was a huge smile plastered on his face.

“Nothing babe, just here getting some food, food wise this place rocks.” I giggled. Yeah I called him babe, but that’s only cuz we joke around like that. “How about you?”

“ha, well you didn’t call me when you got into a new town” he faked being hurt. I rolled my eyes.

“oh pipe down, you know I was gonna call you soon, hey I got a place to stay here already with some Rad chick,” I can’t believe I forgot to even call him at all.

“oh hey that’s cool” his end was quiet for a minute. “so have you met any awesome people over there yet? Or do they all just get on your nerves, like the last batch.” He joked. Ahhh he knows me too well…

“well some are really actually cool ,I’ve actually met three vampires, one is really nice, the girl vampire has pretty awesome style and the other one… well….. he’s….. hmmm how can I describe him….” I trailed off… how does one describe Eric?

“is he…. Nice sweet wholesome amazing, funny, kind gentle, or idiotic, egotistical, arrogant, and so cocky you want to punch him.” He joked as well.

“love how you know me so well enough to know my main categories.” I chewed on my lip ring… “he’s actually so far not so bad, from what I can tell he’s just a mixture of things really.” I pondered, well maybe not idiotic. I feel like ive been to hard on him. I should give a chance of actually getting to know him.

“ahhh so he’s one of those guys huh. “ he laughed. Talking to Kevin always makes me feel better. I felt a slight presence around me, and looked around to see Eric.

“yeah he really is… hey love I gotta go, I ordered food and now its here” I smiled at Eric, but he just folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the wall.

“alright, call me later, or if you need anything, but no girly stuff” he joked. I rolled my eyes earning an odd look from Eric.

“since when do I speak of said girly stuff, haha, I gotta go okay. Love ya” I smiled.

“yeah yeah whatever, ha ha you know I love ya too later!” he hung up and I felt my smile fade just a bit, making me forget that eric was even there anymore.

“are you alright?” came his soft voice. I didn’t face him I just looked at my phone. On my screen saver it was me a Kevin making stupid faces together.

“yeah” I breathed out. “its good to hear his voice again, he’s so much like an older brother, I feel guilty that I kinda just up and left.” I sighed but I felt two arms wrap themselves around me.

“at least he knows you love him” he said. It was so foreign for someone like him to hug me, but I couldn’t help but enjoy every moment of it.

“true” I smiled and closed my eyes. After a minute I remembered my food. “hey Eric….. “

“hmmm” he murmured. I blushed at how deep and beautiful his voice was.

“thanks, “ he hugged me tighter. And I started to feel him let me go.

“your food must be getting cold.” He said. My tummy growled. *nice way to ruin a moment stomach!* “and that tells me you’re still hungry.” He chuckled. I blushed and shook my head.

“I know” I smiled up at him lightly, and we walked inside.


Whoa.. so it was kevin? lol i had to bring him back hes like friggin awesome in this story and it alll getsbetter later cuz he plays a bigg role!

aww eric is showing his cute adorable side! =D

i hope you loved it! if not ill come a t you with a SPORK!!! FEAR THE ALMIGHTY SPORK BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahaha...ha ..aha..ha........o.O ignore that ha ha lol

-------SONGS OF THE DAY!!!-----

Showtech- We Live For The Music

Pop Pistol-Urban Hope

Of Mice & Men- Westbound & Down



TROW A PARTY FOR A LLAMA!!! (they need love too :O!!!!)


*True Blood*(Normal or not? [An Eric Northman story])Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang