Damn You and Your Sexy Vampire Charms! Chapter 6

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I began to reach the living room where they were all waiting. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I let out a shaky breath. I stood in the door way and saw Sookie sitting down on one side of the room and beside her was a man with dark brown hair, a blazer some jeans and brown boots. Wow can I pay attention or what?

Sookie was smiling big and holding this man’s hand tightly. So that must be bill. Then that means. I looked around and spotted him. What I saw nearly knocked the wind out of me. Of course I looked really composed on the outside but on the inside….. *Wow…*  he was at least 6 feet tall, smooth blond hair that was slicked back, black tank, black pants and boots to match. But that’s not what mesmerized me.

It was his deep blue eyes. I felt lost. *regain control, remember you’re stronger.* I looked away back towards Sookie and waved awkwardly.

“hi” I shyly said. I could see the blond one smirking. Wait didn’t sookie call him Eric? I guess that’s your name huh Blondie. Bill looked at me and smiled kindly and sookie got up and walked towards me.

“well you guys this is Scarlett,” she beamed facing them, “and Scarlett this is bill” she pointed to the brown haired one. Score one for me for already figuring that out. “he’s my boyfriend” she said happily. Blon-er Eric looked like he flinched a bit but no one else noticed it.

*that’s odd, * I looked between the both of them without drawing any attention towards me and chewed on my lip. Could there be something going on between them? But didn’t she say bill was her boyfriend? Mehhh don’t get into this drama remember.

“its very nice to meet you “ Bill came over and held out his hand for me to shake. I hesitated but shook his hand.

“Hi I’ve heard a little bit about you from sookie” I smiled. He seemed really nice and kind, I could feel his love for her radiating off of him when I mentioned her name, but there was also a small hint of guilt. I let go of his hand and took a step back.

“and this is Eric” sookie continued. In a flash Eric appeared towards me, I took another step back not expecting that at all. A toothy smile appeared on his amazing lips. Whoa did I say amazing? Nahh it couldn’t be. Anyways he came closer but this time I stood where I was and let him come to me.

“Hello there” he said in a velvety voice, it sent small shivers down my spine. He took my hand and very lightly kissed it. It sent small sparks through my skin. I felt a small blush appear on my  cheeks and he smiled even wider. I looked up into his eyes; we just stood there not saying a word to each other. It was like our eyes talked for us. I saw kindness, and a playful glint in his eyes, but I also saw loneliness and some pain.

“ummm okay?” sookie chimed in awkwardly. Eric’s gaze broke and he looked towards sookie. I gently pulled my hand away and stepped next to sookie. “So what did you guys want to do tonight?” she looked at all of us. The feelings of everyone just still stood on edge.

“well I’m up for anything. “ I smiled and lightly chewed on my lip ring. I saw Eric staring at me, and he noticed what I did so he smirked.

“what do you think of going to a real vampire bar right now?” he said still smirking.

“I didn’t know there was one close by let alone one here.” I shrugged.

“why yes, I actually own it” his smirk turned into a smug one. I raised an eyebrow. So then you’re actually very cocky then huh?

“Do you really believe that’s appropriate for her first night here?” Bill questioned. Awe he’s worried, that I can’t handle some vampires. I looked at sookie and noticed she was just watching all of us but staring intently at me.

Just friggin great how many times am I supposed to let her read my mind? I growled in my head out of annoyance but reluctantly let her through my barrier. Soon enough I figured that this would exhausted me. *I wouldn’t mind, plus it would give me a chance to get to know everyone a little better*

I thought in my mind, she looked satisfied and I quickly put up the barrier around my mind once again. I could feel a headache begin to poke at my brain.

“I say we go” sookie piped. I nodded.  Bill just looked a little exhausted. I looked over at Eric who looked over at me. Boy this is confusing. He gestured towards the door and we headed out. Bill walked towards a really nice car and opened the door for us.  

Eric opened the door for me, and I tilted my head to the side. Is he trying to get brownie points from me or something? It could be that hes just trying to be nice right?

“thanks “ I lightly blushed. A smirk appeared on his lips, causing me to blush a tad bit more.

“You’re Welcome” he said in a velvety voice. FUUUUUU don’t fall for it! Damn you and you’re sexy vampire charms. He closed the door, and I couldn’t help but notice his muscles flex when he did so. *OKAY!! That’s it no more acting like a horny school girl* I gritted my teeth and relaxed as everyone else got in to the car as well.

I looked out the window, enjoying the scenery. Even though it’s not much. Just some trees, grass, more trees. I could feel someone’s gaze on me. I swear if its Eric, I will begin to annoy the shit outta him.

“so” I heard Bill clear his throat. I turned my attention towards him. “where are you from?” he politely asked.

“Texas” I answered. Before he could ask ‘why did I move’ I answered “I tend to move around a lot, I don’t really care to stay somewhere for so long unless I really like the town.” I brushed some of my hair out of my eyes while sookie turned around to face me.

“so where have you lived before then?” her eyes lit up with curiosity. Where haven’t I lived really, moving around really just came like second nature to me.

“well” I pursed my lips together. “I’ve lived in new Mexico, Texas, Alabama, Kentucky, pretty much most of the south, but hopefully I can go up north soon, I’m really dying for some cold weather.” I smiled. The heat was great but only for a little while.

I longed for some snow, just little white flakes coming down from the heavens. But off my little rant. Eric turned towards me.

“why-“ he began only to have Bill cut him off. The car turned off and Bill faced us.

“we’re here.” He said opening the door.i looked around. I didn’t see anything. Just trees.

“ummm.” I started. “but where’s the bar?” i felt lost. I mean in the woods with three other people that I just met today. Now doesn’t that sound like a horror movie scenario? Sookie turned her gaze towards me.


Oh No Is she gonna kill Scarlett? Well keep reading and find out =D

Songs Of The Day

- Train- drops of jupiter

-S My D- BOTDF <3

- Imma Monster- Blood on the dance Floor

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