Who Says I Can't Look Girly For Once?? Chapter 19!

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hey guys! sorry sorry SUMIMASEN!! that i havent been uploading my story lately! but im doing it now and thats all that matters!

i hope you like it!

-I DONT OWN TRUEBLOOD!!- but i own a tooth brush!

(dont you? lol)


                                     <Scarlett’s POV>

As I started to shampoo my hair and wash my body, a thought popped in my head. My clothes. Holy frick I forgot about my clothes. Okay so I remember putting them in a room. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the night sookie brought me here.

*The room she offered me is one room away to the left.* I remembered. But how in the world am I supposed to get my clothes if Eric is still down stairs. I looked around and decided to climb out of the shower, but leave it on to create the illusion that I was still in the shower.

I wrapped a plain white towel around myself i was soaking wet but i made due with the time i had, and carefully and as quietly as possible started to make my way towards the room. Some of the floor boards made groaning and squeaking noises as I got closer to the room. I saw the box right in the middle of the room and smiled.

"yes found it!" I triumphantly said to myself. I took out a cream colored dress with orange flowers cream colored flats and my bra and panties. i started to make my way back to the bathroom when I nearly dropped my clothes.

"Eric!!!! What the duck?!?" I screamed. I instantly clutched the towel around myself while his lips cured in to that cocky smirk.

"I simply heard some footsteps upstairs and came to check on" he said I felt a tiny bit of relief that he was worried about me until he continued. "But you know this is even better" he took a fee steps closer towards me and I couldn't help but move back a bit.

He leaned in close, and I could once again feel his cool breath on my face as he whispered

"you look good in a towel or better yet…nothing at all” I blushed and could almost feel our bodies pressing against each other. My cheeks were red, my heart sped up, my body started to get hot in some places more than others. But something slightly distracted me.

I saw his thoughts, and it was a quick little image of us, kissing, but it wasn't lustful it was... Passionate. My body's heat kicked into overdrive and I knew He could sense it soon if I didn't move.

"I...I...n-need t-to g-get d-dressed..." I shakily stuttered. I bolted to the bath room and locked the door leaving him stunned.

I could still feel his presence on the other side of the door. My heart was racing faster and faster. It wouldn’t surprise me if I got a heart attack. Eric sensed my rapid heartbeat and quickly went down stairs.

Whoa….. First of all I’ve never been able to read other worldly people before, other than sookie, but still… I read his thoughts… I didn’t want to try it out right now, in fear that I could overload my brain.

I turned off the water, quickly finished drying myself off and got dressed. I grabbed a blue brush that was on the sink and brushed through my long hair. I looked at myself in the mirror and relaxed.

I put on a cream colored summer dress with and orange flower print on it, some cream colored flats and my blue jean jacket. Who says I can’t look girly for once? I smiled at my own reflection satisfied. And headed downstairs to meet Eric.

I took two steps at a time and stood in the door way only to see Eric laying down staring at the ceiling deep in thought. He didn’t seem to notice that I was there so I went over to him and leaned down towards his face.

“Eric?” I quietly whispered. He fell out of his trance and his gaze snapped towards me.

“what are you?” he whispered so softly, it sent shivers down my spine. How am I supposed to answer that? What can I actually say? Hi im an alien? But I looked into his blue eyes and became lost in a sea of curiosity.

“i….” I began…”im….” I trailed off…. *what am I truly?* I was about to speak again but his phone rang loudly. He sighed and fished it out of his pocket. I took this opportunity to move away and sit down on the table.

“hello?” he answered. “yes. Yes, we’ll leave the door open for you sookie.” There was some relief seeping through his voice. It reminded me…

I looked at my hands and concentrated. I knew he couldn’t have been so nice, I figured he was just a player. I groaned in my head. Way to almost fall for it you dumbass.

“Scarlett?” he asked.

“Hmmm?” I replied. “You really want to know what I am.” I whispered. He sat up and looked at me intently. I stood up straight, “I’m hungry” I looked over at  him and smiled.

He frowned for a moment but he crookedly smiled.


Poor Scarlett, she really does like him, but all in due time!

hope you guys liked it!

-Songs Of The Day!!-

hey Joh, whats youre name again?- TDWP


Gimme Sympthay- Metric






*True Blood*(Normal or not? [An Eric Northman story])Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora