I replied with Ok and drove towards Glenn Ville High.


Glen Ville was a relatively bigger town than the one my boarding school was in, which meant that the high school had more students. There was one main building connecting to two smaller ones, a gymnasium, arts centre and a baseball field next to a soccer pitch that is surrounded by tracks. I'd been to Glen Ville before, for the transferring process and campus visit, I liked the school.

The buildings were labeled A, B and C, so I found my way pretty quickly. I walked up the stairs in building C and found Grace's room, C205. I looked through the small windows on the door and saw Grace in front of her desk. She had her hair up in a bun and wore glasses. Two of my biggest weaknesses. If she didn't know me since I was a baby and will be my teacher soon, I'd probably have a huge crush on her. As I observed her she was focused on typing into her laptop, I didn't even realise but I stared at her until she noticed someone out the door.

When I finally noticed that she noticed me, she opened the door for me and spoke, "Well, what are you waiting for, Parker?"

"I..uh..Okay," I nodded as I walked in the classroom, "Uhm..Hi?"

She chuckled at my greeting, "Yes, hello Parker."

"Uhh.." I scratched the back of my neck in response.

"Just take a seat, I'll be done soon, I need to talk to you after that" She looked up and gave me a weird look. I didn't know what she was going to talk about, but I was sure it was nothing good.

"Okay" I sat in a second row seat in front of Grace. I had gotten used to sitting in this position at my old school because I was close to blind without my glasses. I used to wear my thick glasses everywhere, after I discovered the great invention of contact lenses, I only wore glasses in school.

I observed the class room, it was bright and painted in white, there wasn't many decorations, I assumed it was because Grace took down ones the previous teacher had left.

After around ten minutes, Grace finally stopped typing and looked up. I noticed she was staring at me, so I turned and looked directly towards her. Knowing I wouldn't be able to escape The Talk.

"So, Parker, what have you been doing lately?" Grace said.

"Uh..," I had to choose my words very wisely, "Hanging out with Charlie and Isabelle mostly."


"A girl," I explained, "She's bells' friend who apparently is interested in me"

"Oh." She paused, as if she was thinking. The she opened her mouth to speak again. "So busy you couldn't take a minute to reply to my text?"

"Uh..ye...uh...yes" I guessed she wanted to ease into the night at the club and why I've been ignoring her, I wasn't wrong.

"What happened when you came to pick me up at Hunt?" She asked, then added, "Thanks for doing that, by the way."

"You're welcome, it's nothing, I was in Hunt before you called me anyway" I said.

"How did you get in there?" Grace asked.

"I think Bells knows the owner or guard or something" I said.

"I got off topic, keep going, what happened that night?" She stood and walked over to where I was sitting.

"Well...I was in the club saw you when you started making o-" The door opened without a knock and I immediately stopped. I froze.

"Hey Grace, oops, you have a guest." Ms.Wild(the one from The Kiss) said.

"McKenzie, what are you doing here?" Grace frowned and asked.

"I was just about to ask if you wanted to go grab dinner" Ms.Wild explained, she turned and looked at me, "This is?"

I took it as my cue to speak, "I'm Kara Parker, Grace's friend."

"Kara came to pick me up for dinner, we're actually leaving now" Grace said, I didn't question anything she said, I just followed her. I found it weird that Grace only called me by my last name when we were alone, though.

"Oh well, next time then," Ms.Wild smiled and said, "I'll walk you two out"

Grace packed all her things and made eye contact with me, telling me to leave with Ms.Wild.

"Kara, how old are you?" Ms.Wild asked.

"I'm 17" I said, although I wasn't quite sure if Grace wanted me to tell her that.

"Oh, how'd you know Grace?" Ms. Wild continued to ask.

"McKenzie, don't you think you're asking a little too much?" Grace said.

I was now stuck between two grown, intimidating, women, not knowing what to say. I chose to stay quite.

"Oh come on Grace, I was just getting to know Kara." Ms. Wild said.There were no facial expression on Grace, so I couldn't read her even if i wanted to.

Grace turned to me and said in a lower tone of voice, "Kara, can you go drive the car here?"

"Sure," I said to her and walked away as soon as I could. Before I left I heard Grace turn to Ms. Wild.

"McKenzie, we're grown-ups, it was one drunk kiss." 

Grace(GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now