Chapter ♞ 18 : Romance Novels

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"Hey Mikan, can you run some errands for me and buy these things in the market?" Mikan's mother stated.

"Sure, Mom." she said as she took the list of paper from her Mom's hands.

Her violet eyes looked at the lists of things that her mother wanted her to buy, then a yawn escaped her lips as her mother noticed this.

"Are you still tired? It seems like you didn't have a good sleep last night." her Mom said as she gave her daughter the money to buy the things in the list.

"No, I'm fine. It's nothing." she said as she walked upstairs to change her sleepwear and wear something decent since she is going out.

Mikan went downstairs as she walked towards the door and put on her shoes.

"Mom, I'm off!" she yelled from the front door as she stood up and twisted the doorknob and pushed it open.

    "Okay, sweetie!" her mother yelled back as Mikan walked out of the house.


She went to market to buy the things listed in the paper, after making sure that she has everything in place, she walked out of the market and walked downtown.

Maybe I should go home now... she thought while walking.

Then something caught her eye as she walked towards the banner that was stationed near the shop.

Book sale - all books are now 70% OFF! Buy now!

"Seventy percent off?!" she gasped as while staring at the banner. "It wouldn't hurt if I detour a bit..."

Mikan entered the shop with grocery bags in hand, lots of books were placed in different shelves and tables. She walked towards the Love Story section and looked for a good book to buy.

"Wow...each book is really interesting to read..." she murmured, scanning the books.

Until a single book title caught her eyes as she stopped and stared at the book for a momentarily.

R o m e o a n d J u l i e t
Written by William Shakespeare

"I want to buy this." she muttered as she extended her hand to grab the book in the shelf.

She grabbed the book and walked towards the counter to buy it. After purchasing the book, she went home right away to read the book that she bought.


After reading the book for two days long, she finally finished the story. It was a very well written and very descriptive, it was also tear-jerking and heart-wrenching. Even so, she has come to adore the tragic love story of two lovers who died at the end.

"Oh,'s already 2 o'clock. I still have classes tomorrow..." she mumbled while looking at the wall clock.

    Then her phone buzzed as she grabbed it and looked at the screen to see that she has a new text message.

    From: Kise Ryota

    Sakura-chii, are you awake? I can't sleep...Insomnia always strikes and ruin my beauty sleep. ('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ')

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