Chapter ♞ 13 : Oha-Asa Horoscope

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    "Today's most unlucky horoscope is Pieces! You will be facing a challenge that you aren't completely prepared for. Good luck."

    Mikan was getting ready for school as she heard the Oha-Asa horoscope fortune-telling early in the morning.

    "I'm unlucky today, huh?" she sighed as she just finished tying her orange hair using red ribbons with white polkadots.

"Your lucky item is a pencil!"

Pencil...? she thought.

    "Mikan! Eat breakfast already, you'll be late for school if you don't." her loving mother called.

    "Okay, Mom!" she said as she walked towards the dinning room and began to eat her breakfast.

She munched on the fried eggs and bit a toasted bread, she drunk her milk and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"Today's most luckiest horoscope is Cancer! You will experience something completely new today."

Mikan stood up from her seat as her mother set away her plate and glass. She grabbed her bag that was at the living room and puts on her shoes.

"Mikan! Please turn off the TV!" her mother yelled from the kitchen.

"Eh...but I'm already wearing my shoes..." she sighed as she can't say no to her mother.

Mikan took off her shoes and walked towards the living room and to see that the Oha-Asa horoscope was still going on.

"Your lucky item is an orange umbrella!"

Umbrella? How is that an lucky item for Cancers? she thought.

Mikan shook off her thoughts and turned off the TV. She placed down the remote on the coffee table and put on her shoes again.

"I'm off, Mom!" she yelled.

"Take care!" her mom yelled back as Mikan opened the door and run to school because she was running late.


Mikan reached the school building just in time, she changed her shoes and run towards her classroom. Then she bumped into someone as she fell on her butt.

"I'm sorry, can you stand?" she looked up to see a hand reaching her.

"Yes." her cheeks has gotten red as she held his hand, he pulled her up, helping her stand up.

"Don't run in hallways, Sakura. You might trip and fall." he said.

    "I'm sorry, Akashi-kun." she stated and looked on her feet, blushing.

    "It's fine, just be careful next time." he flashed her a small smile before walking away.

    Akashi-kun is so caring...

    Then the bell rung as the first subject was about to start, she snapped from her thoughts and hurriedly ran to her classroom.


    The class of Mikan were having a surprise test in English, apparently, the Oha-Asa horoscope was right. She is facing a challenge that is indeed something she isn't prepared for.

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