Adorable baby bunnies/ Elementary day

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We had our elementary day for FFA today after testing. Sadly, my FFA advisor is angry at me so I was forced to be stuck in crafts with 8 others where being social and good with children was required. I have neither traits. There were only 2 in small animals and they even asked for someone else who knew about them. 

In craft it involved cheerios, bottle glue (which they had never used somehow), and a paper cut out of corn; not good for them. The worse incident was my second to last class, which we had an hour early since no one actually followed the schedule. Linda was in charge, with me as an unspoken secondary, while Neville, Hallie, Cloe, two random freshmen boys, and Heaven (also 3 group leaders that were doing nothing.) were helping out with the kids. 

By this point, Nev and I were moving their 'corn' over to the spare storage room connected so they wouldn't linger or mess something up. Heaven, from what I was told, witnessed the 3 girls in the corner dump their glue out on the table from the cup. She scolded them and went to go help a boy out and that's when I come in. They were flicking the cereal at each other so I raised my voice, which freaked them out and kept them from doing anything until I left. Of course, I reported it to Linda, who did nothing about it, since I walked in on Nev telling them to stop. 

Right then, I was slightly fed up, annoyed, and didn't care anymore. What these girls didn't know was that I knew their teacher, even had her, so she would believe whatever I said without question. Mrs. Culler had just gotten back in the room, so I went up and told her as the girl tried to blend into the line. She left to go find the 3 and asked Nev, Heaven, and I just to be sure. 

On a more positive note, all of us spent our break with the rabbits and chickens since Kayliegh and Brock got a new litter of Flemish mixes (picture above and below) and brought her other rabbits along with Cloe having baby chicks. Since I have rabbits, they don't care if I get the older ones out, the babies were under surveillance so I had to ask for them. One of the babies, the brown broken one at the top, kept trying to follow me whenever I was near, it was so adorable. However, my favorite was Kayliegh's new Mini Rex. Once I held her, she just cuddled up to me, which surprised Kayliegh and Brock. (Apparently, they haven't gotten her that calm around them before, but I think it's from having a skiddish rabbit myself.)

Honorable Mention: Alexia put a tutu on her goat during an uncertain period and danced with it to Low (or the apple bottom jeans song if you don't know).

Trevor put his sunglasses on her other one and fake proposed to it.

During 9th my teacher let me have a pass during quiet/death ball. If we missed once, we lost a hand to catch, twice we lost a leg. I complained, (I missed right when she said it) "I can barely catch with two hands, how the heck can I catch with one?"

The FFA kids got to class late and she wouldn't mark it down if we showed her pictures of the goats and baby animals.  


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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