Chapter Thirty Two: Working On A Strategy

Start from the beginning

"Q!" Hiro heard someone call out. The voice, oddly enough, sounded a lot like Jean-Luc Picard's voice.. "What are you doing here?"

Peering into the cavern, Hiro saw the five inter-dimensional travelers. Picard had been sitting only a moment before, leaving Deanna Troi on her rock. Worf and Data had turned towards the fifth person there, who looked extremely displeased. "I might ask you the same thing, mon capitaine. This isn't exactly the best place to take a vacation. You shouldn't be here."

Hiro couldn't help but watch in wide-eyed fascination as Picard moved closer to Q. "Shouldn't be here!?" the captain spluttered. "You shouldn't be here! We're on a simple exploration mission if you don't mind. Your interference is decidedly not welcome"

Q raised an eyebrow at that as he walked closer to the captain. "Oh, you are, are you? And I'm quite sure my 'interference' will be quite welcome, whatever you might think of it. Looks more like you could use some rescuing." He glanced pointedly at Deanna Troi. "You are rather hemmed in, what with the planet's unstable core and all that."

Deanna grimaced as she tried to shift positions. "We're fine, thank you," she retorted, trying to force her eyes to see straight. "The Enterprise will beam us up at any minute."

Hiro couldn't help but goggle at what was going on. Was this a reenactment of what had happened prior to their visitors coming down to San Fransokyo? Or had he somehow managed to actually go back in time and was witnessing it first hand? He wasn't sure.

Q's expression turned to full out disapproval. "Somehow I doubt that. Do you even have any idea where you are right now? You're right in the middle of a space anomaly. The Enterprise can no more beam you out than a snarglefish can fly. Admit it. You're stuck."

Picard scowled at that. "What anomaly? We detected nothing out of place before beaming down."

Q tsked as he sat on a nearby boulder. "But, my dear captain, of course your scanners wouldn't pick it up! Don't you see? This place doesn't really exist!"

Data looked up at that. "My scans indicate otherwise," he countered. "If their readings are correct, we are still on Davish Seven, where we should be."

Hearing the planet Davish Seven mentioned so casually, Hiro couldn't help but flash back to his first encounter with the Doctor. Hadn't that survival pouch the Doctor had given him back then come from Davish Seven? He couldn't be one hundred percent sure, but felt he'd hit the nail on the head. But if Davish Seven was part of his universe, what was it doing in theirs?

Q moved to stand near the android. "Are you sure about that? I'd check again if I were you."

The android looked back at the tricorder he had pulled out, scanning the area. His expression changed, his eyebrows furrowing with puzzlement. "What Q has said is correct, Captain," he announced. "We no longer appear to be in the same space as before. I am not sure how this is possible. If we are indeed unable to contact the ship, we should also be unable to determine our current position."

Q dusted himself off as he stood from his perch. "Semantics. But do you see your precarious position now? This place doesn't really exist in this galaxy! That means your ship won't be able to reach you, regardless of sensor strength or natural materials. Which leaves you with one of two choices, Captain. Stay where you are, hoping they will eventually be able to find you, knowing that won't happen. Or allow me to help you."

Hiro couldn't help but wonder if Davish Seven had somehow gone into the Rift, just like the alien entity he'd harbored all those months ago. It would explain a few things, he supposed. But he couldn't be sure. He'd have to ask the Doctor about it when he had the next opportunity to do so.

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