(3) Frozen

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Chapter Three - Frozen

4 days had passed and Emily still couldn't get the courage to go to her mothers grave again. She'd felt guilty before but after her run in with William her guilt had tripled and not even Janice's kind words helped to take it away.

It didn't matter if her mum would understand. She shouldn't have been so blind with Matthew. She should have been there.

Emily screwed her eyes shut trying to get rid of all thoughts of the last few months.

After everything that happened with Matthew and finding out about her mum she couldn't cope. She didn't sleep or eat much, she broke down countless times in a day and refused to talk to anyone. A lot of the time she couldn't even conjure up the energy to take a shower or change her clothes. She didn't want to go down that road again. She still found it difficult to sleep but she was moving on... Slowly.

It had been a month now. Yesterday was her first day at work and although it was scary at first she managed to get through it. Still she couldn't help but watch everyone she came into contact with for signs that they knew about Matthew.

She considered herself lucky to have lived a few hours away. What was front page news there was only a small article here. She knew because she'd found the newspaper online and printed off the page at the local library. She didn't know why she did it, heck she didn't even know she had until she held it in her hands.

For a few moments she stayed laying on the couch willing herself to fall asleep but it just wasnt happening. Sighing she got up from the couch and flipped the light on, almost groaning out loud when she saw it was 4am.

She glanced at the tv.

Last night Skye had begged and begged until Sophia finally gave in and let her put frozen on. Emily decided it was the perfect time to make some dinner for everyone claiming it was a thank you for letting her stay when really she just wanted to get away from that awful film. Now she found herself reaching for the control in need of something to do.

She sighed again as she lay back down on the couch.

"I must be crazy." She muttered as the film started.


A loud knock startled Emily from her sleep causing her to fall off the couch and face plant the ground. She groaned loudly rubbing at her head as someone quickly made their way downstairs.


Emily froze.

She hadn't seen William since that day at the cemetery and she certainly didn't want to see him now. Instead she stayed where she was on the ground and prayed he wouldn't come in.

"Skye! What have I told you about answering the door!" Sophia shouted as she made her way down the stairs.

Skye looked at her confused. "But it's just daddy!" She exclaimed.

"That's not the point." Sophia said exasperated before looking at Will with a tired smile. "Hey."

"Hey. You alright?" Will asked frowning at the bags under her eyes.

She waved him off. "Yeah I'm fine. I was working last night is all." She quickly explained before looking down at Skye. "You ready to go to school babe?"

Skye nodded her head. "Can Emwee come too?"

Sophia winced and looked at Will who didn't look too pleased at the idea. She knew that Emily would probably feel the same. "Erm Em's busy today babe but maybe another time, yeah?"

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