Some of the others were closer to home already and got there before the rest of us did; someone must have told the others in the mind link. Tasha and Jesse were two of them: the twins wrestled on the ground out the front, their grey and brown fur bounced around with each movement and playful snarls and growls could be heard.

I had a good run up before I joined in on the wrestling game and before I knew it I was bitting Jesse’s ear as he clawed at my belly and Tasha was just laying on top of us both keeping us pinned. We all froze as Ronda came running out side and started jumping up and down squealing making her gorges red hair bounce along with the small sheet of paper in her hand.

“Oh, my, gosh! The Moonlight Disco is tonight! How did we forget?” she exclaimed excitedly waving the paper in her hand.

Natalia (Talia/Nat), her little sister went over a snatched the paper out of her hand and interpreted what it said aloud, “It’s from the Twilight Topaz Pack. They’ll be holding the event it their territory from 6p.m. to 6a.m. and will escort us to the place upon arrival. No need for fancy dress as there will be a bonfire but bring a packet or two of marshmallows to add to those provided. Hope to see you there and ‘May peace fall upon us this sacred night’.” That line was always on the bottom of the invitation, which was delivered to each region from a different host Pack every six months and was a general greeting from the hosts as a sign of acceptance to of other werewolves to be on their land for twelve hours that night.

“Oh yeah! Party time with the werewolf babes…” Sam said coolly, hi-fiving the boys.

“Maybe one of us could even find a Mate…” Nat said shyly, twiddling her thumbs while looking down at the ground. We all knew she really wanted a Mate it would be her dream come true, personally I thought it was cute. I on the other hand don’t really want a Mate, I mean of corse everyone wants one deep, deep down but if I did find mine I would either have to join his Pack or give him leadership to mine seeing as I’m female.

I wriggled around on the ground trying to get out from under Tasha who just gave me a cheeky look with those beautiful emerald eyes we all had while in our wolf form hence the pack name Emerald Embers. Returning her look with my own emerald eyes mixed with mischief before I kicked her off of me and shifted so I could stand on two legs and also talk to be included in the conversation.

“Well, we better tell the rest of the pack." After that 'hint' of an order the news spread like wildfire with several members of the tribe asking me questions about the upcomming night with deatails and who was going to stay and look after the kids.

* * * * * * * * * *

The kitchen: a place of food: a werewolf’s favourite place. Mmmmm. The fresh crisp sent of garlic bread swirled around the air making my mouth water and as soon as the microwave timer beeped I ran to the grill in the oven to collect my delectable food. Whilst I walked it to the table I took in a good whiff capturing the garlic bread’s sent within my nostrils.

I had finnaly gotten through all the questions and round up a baby sitting team for the kids and made sure everyone else knew about it. Turns out a lot of them were a lot more organised than the Pack and I.

I sat down at the pinewood table and placed my plate in front of me and just as I was about to start eating it at least four pairs of feet could be heard rushing toward me so I quickly popped a piece of the roll in my mouth. Tasha was first to rush through the doorway, a pair of shoes in her hand.

“Layla?” she wailed as she rushed in and stopped at the opposite side of the table, “Ooh garlic bread,” and she nicked a piece before I noticed and could stop her, typical.

“Layla, should I wear my skater shoes tonight? I don’t want them to get wrecked if we shift tonight,” she asked looking at her beloved black, blue and white skater-shoes.

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