Chapter 1~ Wren, the butler

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The bustle in Panera Bread had faded with the lunch hour. The few remaining customers seemed content to sit in the quiet, staring at laptops or speaking in soft voices to their companions. The restaurant possessed a relaxing atmosphere, and Wren Adams could only guess this was the reason his boss had requested they meet here.

Seated at a table in the farthest corner, Wren was grateful for the privacy it seemed they would have. He didn't fancy complete strangers hearing his troubles. It was embarrassing enough being covered in... He let his gaze slide to his work jeans and frowned at the dust and grime that covered them. He flicked a wood chip off the faded material, then leaned back in his chair. He sighed.

There's nothing shameful in hard work, he reminded himself. He shoved away that embarrassment like a soiled rag and focused his weary mind toward the important question of the day: What did Tony Kingsley want? Wren had already paid the man his allotted monthly payment. He had even doubled it! There was no way he could pay another installment, but fear this was what his boss and benefactor wanted, struck Wren to his core.

Please, Lord. Turn his heart to be merciful toward me. I'm doing the best I can.

Tony Kingsley, owner of Springdale Construction, had hired Wren to work in one of his many construction chains. He owned five chains, all scattered across the United States, and Wren had heard gossip that his wealthy benefactor had teams in England also. Wren wasn't certain of those claims. Nor did he care. For the past five years, Wren had lived for one thing—to pay his debt to Tony Kingsley. Yet, while progress had been made, Wren felt like a stuck semi truck, wheels spinning in a muddy bog in a fight for solid ground but never accomplishing it.

The bell on the door jingled, and Wren squared his shoulders as his boss entered the restaurant. As always, Tony was dressed as if he'd stepped from the front cover of a magazine. He wore a pinstriped suit, tailored to fit his stocky frame, his gray-streaked ebony hair was slicked back, and black Mezlan Lupo dress shoes adorned his feet, sparkling with polished perfection. Wren scowled down at his appearance again. He was a mess.

Tony approached then slid into the seat opposite of him. "Have you had lunch?" Not even a "hello", or a "how are you?". Tony rested his elbows on the table and studied Wren with such intensity, Wren shifted, uneasily.

"Yes, sir. We had lunch break a couple hours ago."

"Good. How do you like construction work?"

"It's a great job. I enjoy working outside too. I appreciate you setting me up with it. "

Tony waved a hand as if to dismiss the appreciation. "I know it can be a dirty job at times, but work is work. I admire your determination to pay off your debt."

Wren ducked his head and said nothing.

"You seem tense."

Wren offered a lopsided grin. "To be honest, I'm worried."


"I'm wondering if our meeting has something to do with my debt. Is there a problem with the agreement we've made?" Often, Wren regretted not requiring legal papers the day he'd borrowed money from Tony. But then again, when Tony had come along all those years ago, legality hadn't seemed all that important.

Tony scoffed. "You're already doubling your payments, Adams. I wouldn't ask you to pay more."

Relief doused Wren. He sat a bit straighter. He could handle anything... except scraping more money together. "Then...?"

Tony grew serious. "I've come with a proposition. How would you like to be a free man?"

Wren froze, but his heart beat faster. "H-how is that even possible? I owe you well over two hundred thousand dollars."

A Butler To Love ~A Christian RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now