Chapter 12

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We parted from the village back to Konoha. The journey lasted days until we arrived. I was hoping to see a better view from my old home but I was wrong.

As we entered the gates of the village I was that the numbers of slaves had increased. Also the size of the Uchiha temples had triplicated. I saw people working and suffering from the heat of the day. Others were trying to hold big rocks in their backs while some Uchiha guards hit them without mercy.

Some kids tried to keep up with the pase while working but they fell on the floor tired. Then a guard grabbed them by the hair and made him keep up with the work.

The view disgusted me so I picked up the pase and went to the palace. The guards let us in because I immeadiately showed the Uchiha bracelet Sasuke gave me the day I left.  I demanded to see the Uchiha leader and they took us to the Uchiha main hall at the palace.

Everyone was there, they were having the Annual Uchiha Festival but it got interrupted with my entrace. As we walked, the people looked at us and gasped and gave us confused looks.

I focused my eyes on the leader. It wasn't Fugaku but it surely looked like him. He was accompained by a small raven haired girl who was seating with him while his wife was at his side.

Wait, that pink hair and green eyes. She looks pregnant but she really looks like...

The man stopped the music with just one hand. No way, he is'nt Fugaku or another weird Uchiha, and the woman lying by his side. That means...

"Naruto?" he said while standing up and coming towards me with open arms.

"S-Sasuke?" I replied. He was changed, he aqquired the Rinnegan on his left eye. He was also taller and his hairstyle changed.

"Naruto!" he hugged me for a while. "Look at you, what happened?"

"Well, look at you! You're leader now dattebayo! And you're married with Sakura?!?" I said.

"Hmp!" He said.

"Papa? Who is this man?" asked the little girl, she looked like she had the same age as Boruto.

"He's your uncle Naruto. He's back from his long journey" replied Sakura while getting towards us.

"Her name's Sarada, the new heiress of the Uchiha clan." Sasuke said. "So, you're staying wih us right?"

"Sir?" said one of the council men, "I must tell yoy that prince Naruto betrayed us the day he left Konoha. He's automatically accused from treason my lord."

"I forgive him. He has come back as the Uchiha Prince." Everyone gasped and murmured about his decision.

"Sasuke, I can't accept your offer." I said.

"I don't see why you can't accept it."

"You know I'm an Uzumaki. And the ancestors of my clan have given me the task to free my people." I said. He gave two steps backwards and stared at me in shock.

Then he remained still and waved me to follow him. As we left the hall and made it to another room to talk alone he quickly laughed.

"Quick joking Naruto. What do you want now?"

"Sasuke, this is no joke." I looked at the view of Konoha. "Look at this, what do you see?"

"I see an growing Empire." he replied.

"I see souls being tortured to death." I said.


"My people, and I can't keep hiding and living my life somewhere else while they still your hands"

He nodded in disbelief, "So you've come back home, only to free them..." I took off the Uchiha bracelet and gave it to him.

"I'm sorry brother.." I said while he took the bracelet. He stared at it before closing his eyes for a while.

Then he opened them. I could tell that it wasn't him. His eyes were full off darkness. Something bad was gonna happen.

"If this is how things will work, Uzumaki Naruto then I have nothing else to discuss with you.." he said while walking.

"Sasuke! No, wait Sasuke please!"

"I'LL NOT BE THE USELESS ROYAL BLOOD!!" he said while leaving he room.

"Tell your people that their working hours have been doubled from now, thanks to their ancestors." he said.

"Sasuke..." I replied in sadness. I knew very well that if he refuses, the prophecy will unlock destruction on Konoha. And that's the last thing I want right now.

"Or should I say, thanks to you?" he said while smirking coldly.

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