Chapter 1

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Cries and screams. That was all I could hear from the other small houses in wich the Uchihas made us live in. After years of war, the Uchiha clan defeated the Uzumakis and reached power over our country.

Our population were enslaved no matter from what kind of clan came from. Some of them managed to escape, but the majority didn't and soon their lands and compounds were taken from them.

We stood for years working and begging for the Uchiha's mercy. But it was all in vain. They wanted to build an entire empire on the back of all of us because for them, we were just slaves.

One afternoon, the Uchiha leader sent their guards to serach all of our homes for all the childrens and the newborns. All the baby boys and girls under 3 years old were condemned to death in order to mantain the amount of slaves controlled.

I stood inside my house, holding my baby in my arms. He was blonde like his father and had the typical Uzumaki's whiskers on his face. He was barely a month old and yet, he was already condenmed to death because the Uchihas said so...

"Oh my Naruto... I can't give you the life you really deserve" I said while all the cries and screams of the mothers who witnessed their babies death gave me the signal that I didn't had time. I looked at the 4 year old Shikamaru who was holding the small basket. His parents died while working so he was under my care.

"Time to go Shikamaru"

We ran through the village, hiding from all the guards in fear. We got out of the whole massacre and made it to the back of the gates that divided the Uchiha empire from the poor village. I placed Naruto in the basket, he was already asleep. I managed to put the basket in one of the small lakes that leaded to the garden of one of the Uchiha houses.

"This is the life I can give you Naruto." I said between tears, "I hope one day, we shall meet again." I said praying Kami that the man or women who founded Naruto got the empathy of a parent and decide to take care of him like if it were his or hers. Since the Uchiha got into power, some clans also joined the Uchihas and decide to erase all their true heritage.

"I just hope that at least one of them decides out of love to take care of him.."

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