Chapter 9

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I saw how Tenten and my sister was trying to help a young man who was almost...uncoscious?

"Hanabi? Tenten? What are you doing?" I asked.

"Sister! We're just trying to wake this man up." Hanabi said.

"Yeah but somehow this guy's too heavy" Tenten said while trying to lift him up. "How can a skinny boy like this be so damn heavy!"

I went closer to help them. Somehow this guy seemed familiar to me, but I didn't know where exactly I saw him.
As I helped Tenten to lift him up he moved and opened his eyes. They were intense blue like the sky.

But that hair and those whiskers...I'm sure I've met him before.

"Uhh..." he said while turning to me and widening his eyes. He seemed to recognize me.."Hi there, dattebayo!"

That was it. It was the guy from the Uchiha palace who threw me into the guards. That damn bastard.

Suddenly I gave him a gentle fist in the center of his stomach while Tenten and Hanabi yelled at me, not knowing the real reason of why I did it. I gave him a smirk while leaving him unconscoius on the ground.

Tenten and Hanabi looked at eachother in confusion.

"What the heck just happened Hanabi?" Tenten said.

"I don't know, but I'm sure that if she keeps acting like that she'll never get married.." Hanabi replied.


I felt really dizzy and tired. Man, who would've thought that I could find that girl here in the middle of the dessert.

"HELLO MY YOUTHFULL TRAVELER!!!!" said a man with big eyes and enourmous black brows who was staring at my face.


"Woah easy, easy! You must be tired from all that journey.." he said while trying to calm me down.

"What the heck is going on with you?!? You don't just stare at people ang gave them a heart attack like that -ttebayo!!" I said frantically.

"Oh, right..." said the man while scratching his head, "I'm sorry for all that I guess I didn't indroduce myself. I am the legendary Rock Lee! Student of my youthful, strongest and glorious ninja of all time Gai sensei!!"

"Cut it out Lee, you're scaring him off!" said a man who's face was painted with purple makeup.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Suna or should I say, what's left of it." the man said with sadness. I read that the village turned to be the battlefield during the war between the Uchihas and the Uzumaki. Many people died back then so that's why he said that with sadness. He's probably from the Sand village.

I was about to speak when someone entered the small room. It was the Hyuga girl along with a guy who look just like her but with longer hair and a man with white punky hair and seemed to be reading a....a book?

"Well, I see that you've already been talking with Lee and Kankuro.." said the man, "I'm Kakashi Hatake, one of the leaders of the small village. This guy here is Neji and this one over here is Hinata from the Hyuga clan."

"My name's Naruto U-" I cut myself out. Was it right for me to tell them that I'm an Uchiha? I'm not even sure if I really belong to that clan...

"We know you're an Uchiha, although you don't look like one.." said Neji.

"How did you.."

"Your bracelet" Kakasi said, "And also because Hinata told us everything."

I lowered my head while nodding. "Please, I-I just want to find myself...I don't know exactly who I am.. And I don't even know if I deserve your politeness -ttebayo.."

Kakashi and Neji looked at eachother for a while as if they knew something.
Kakashi patted my head.

"Naruto...why don't you take a rest and wait 'till the moon's up so you could join us to dinner?" he said while I nodded.

Later that night, we went out side of our small homes and made a circle, ready to start dinner.

Everyone were talking to eachother cheerly. It was obvious that many of them came from different villages and clans. Some of them were Hyuga like Hinata and Neji...Others seemed to be from Konoha, maybe from the ones who ran away before they were enslaved by the Uchihas. Others were from the Sand village and so on...

It was interesting to see them interact with eachother peacefully.

"Before we start" Kakashi said getting everyone's attention. " I would like to present you, Naruto who escaped from Konoha and helped the heiress of the Hyuga clan escape from the Uchiha Empire.."

"Nah, there's no need of introductions..." I said, "I am no one here dattebayo.."

"No one here you say?" said a girl who had red hair and whore glasses. She leaned close to me and stared at my face for minutes. Then she smirked happily before speaking to everyone.

"I think it's time to review the prophecy" she said.

"Prophecy?" I asked.

"It's been told for ages, ever since the Uzumaki clan lost the war." said a girl who had green eyes and her blond hair was divided in four ponytails. She was seated between Kankuro and a boy who's face didn't had eyebrows. His hair was bloody red and had the kanji of love tattoed in his forehead. The three of them looked a like somehow, so I bet they must be siblings.

"And each word she says about the prophecy delivers a hint of hope in our souls.." said the redheaded boy.

"Who is she then?" I asked.

"The leader of our village." The girl replied.

"But wait, how many leaders you have?"

"Around five or six.." the redheaded boy said. "It's composed by the headmasters of each of the remaining clans to guarantee the village's representation. The members are the Hyuga heir, the Hatake, the Sabaku no, the Uzumaki and one leader of the orphans.."

"And you're?"

"Sabaku no Gaara, from the Sand Village" he turned to see the red headed girl. "But she's the main leader since she's the last member from one of the most powerful clan in shinobi history. Her name's Karin Uzumaki."

My jaw dropped as I turned around to see the girl who started speaking to the group in front of the fire they made. So she's the last one? From the Uzumaki clan? If so then that means...

"She's... like me.." I said.

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