Chapter 3

237 11 1

10 years later



We called eachother while making a race through the Uchiha Empire. I was 10 years old while my now older brother Sasuke was 12.

"Heh! This is it Sasuke! You're gonna lose dattebayo!" I said while reaching the entrance of the main palace.

"Hmph, like I'm gonna let you go that easily. Fireball Jutsu!" he said while makig the hand sings and throwing at me a bunch of fireballs.

"Arrrgh!! Teme that's cheating!!"

"That's using my brain you dobe!" he said while smirking and taking the lead. Of course, he didn't knew that the fireball he throwed ended up making a mess in the other main houses.

"Well let's see how you manage this! Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Suddenly 6 copies of myself appeared ant started throwing at him everything they could get.

"What the- Naruto!!" he said while fighting the clones. He suddenly clashed into a wall of wood and ended up breaking the whole construction area. He managed to get out of it before everything went down.

"Heh! What do you think of that teme!" I said with pride.

But little did we know that the building we broke was the one that our father was working on to restore the Uchiha monument.

Sasuke looked at the mess with worry while running towards the palace. "Do you think father will be mad at us for breaking the monument?"

I looked back at the mess. "Nah, maybe he'll think that it was one of those slaves dattebayo!" I said while grinning

"Yeah, you're right." he replied with a smirk.

"YOU FOOLS!!!" said our father who stood in front of the throne. He, unfortunately, knew what happened.

"How many times must I told you the importance of your behavior before you become the leader of our clan!" he said it more to Sasuke, "I've spent my whole life building this empire so you could have it and make the Uchiha clan rule for all eternity and yet, you two are making pranks all over the place like it didn't meant anything to you!"

"Father, we were just making a bet.." Sasuke said

"Making a bet?!? I think you two are old enough to keep doing this kind of stuff." he replied, "For Kami what task have I failed to teach you?"

"In no one father." I said, "We will learn from this mistake and gain responsability for it."

"And do you really know the true meanig of it?" he said while truning around.

"Come on father, a simple broken monument wouldn't kill an entire empire or clan. We can build it again and-" Sasuke said.

"But an useless royal blood will bring down a whole dinasty! I'm sure Itachi would've done better.." he said while pointing at my brother. Sasuke got so shocked at his words that he left the hall with his Sharingan activated.

I turned to my father, "You souldn't be that hard on him -ttebayo! He just wants your approval."

"My son, since Itachi's death during battle Sasuke holds an entire kingdoom in his shoulders. He must learn to not be manipulated by anyone to do childish behaviors."

"Yes dad, but I think you should give him am opportunity."

"Hmm, I will Naruto but you must know that he needs to learn his place in the clan. And that includes you, Naruto." he said while leaving.

I walked through the hallway to find Sasuke sitting at the edge of a window watching the sunset.

"Useless...Tch!" he said more to himself.

"He doesn't mean it." I replied.

"And how do you know huh?!"

"He just wants the best for you -ttebayo."

"Yeah he cares now because Itachi's no longer here. And also this is your fault! I told you to not do the bet and did you listened to me? No!" he said frustrated.

"I know I know. It's my fault so yeah how about we forget this thing -ttebayo?"

"Hmp! You see! That's what I talk about. I care more about this clan than you. I have more responsability than you!"

"Oh really teme? You think so?" I said smiling.

"I don't think, I know" he replied.

"Then how come you're not at the clan's anual festival right now?" I said while grinning evily. He gasped.

"The festival!!! Damn it dobe!!" he said while running away.

"Oi! Wait for me teme!"

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