Chapter 7

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I walked through the Uchiha compounds and bumped into a pink haired friend from childhood.

She's princess Sakura Haruno the heiress from the Haruno clan. They're specialized in medical and healing jutsus and she's a prodigy. Not to mention that she has an amazing strenght. Also she can be really scary when it comes to having a bad temper.

She's Sasuke eternal crush. Well, they like eachother but they're too stubborn to admit it. Well, the stubborn part is more from my brother than from her. Sakura is a very open hearted person, unlike Sasuke.

Anyway, I got back to reality once she called my name. She looked at me confused.

"Naruto? Are you okay?"

I helped her got up since she was wearing a red and pink Kimono. "Yeah, I'm fine it's just that I didn't got enough sleep -ttebayo!"

She looked at me unconvinced, "Baka, you must get enough sleep Naruto. Sleeping is good for your health" She said.

"Yeah yeah" I said while ignoring her a bit.

Big mistake.

"YOU IDIOT DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE ME LIKE THAT YOU BAKA!!!" She said while punching me.

"Aaargh Sakura-chan!!" I yelled. "I'm sorry girl why you have to be so violent?"

She was about to keep fighting but then she sighed, "He's at the slave's working field. Go get him" she said while leaving.

I nodded at her sudden change of mind before going to the field.

As I went there I heard all the screams of pain the slaves did while working and receiving their punishments. I shruggered as the man, women and children cried.

"Dobe!" I heard someone say. It was Sasuke. "Finally you're here man. Look, we have some errands to deal with what father assigned us."

"Oh, yeah.." I said while he explained the tasks.

"Naruto?" Sasuke said. I didn't heard his calls. I was too focused on the slave's screams of pain.

I remembered what pinneaple head said last night. Then what my father told me.

"They were only slaves"

"Think Naruto! Uchihas don't have blond hair and whiskers."

"It was for the greater good."

"Your mother sent you away because you were gonna get killed by the man you call father!"

It was too much. I couldn't handle it.

"Oi, Naruto. What's wrong?" Sasuke said while I got back to reality. I started running away from him while ignoring his calls. I started running away.... from everything.

When I was about the leave the gates of Konoha I heard Sasuke's yell.

"Naruto!!" he said while stepping in front of me.

"Leave me alone Sasuke!" I said.

"Hey, Oi, Naruto! What's wrong? What happened to you?" he said, "You got me worried back there."

"Sasuke I can't. I can't keep up with this..."

"What? What do you mean?" he said confused.

"I'm not who you think I am! I'm not an Uchiha, you know it! I'm an Uzumaki see!!" I showed him the Uzumaki necklace my mother gave me when she held my hands this morning. "It has my name Sasuke. Everything I thought I knew...was a lie"

He looked at it for a while. "Naruto, brother please you're not thinking well! This is your home. You're an Uchiha like me!"

I started walking away, ignoring him.

"Naruto! Don't turn your back on me! Naruto please at least take this with you" he said while giving me a bracelet with the Uchiha symbol. "Don't leave Naruto, we're brothers.."

I looked at him with sadness. "Arigato, Sasuke." I said while running away from him.

"Naruto!" Sasuke yelled in vain.

I kept running...


And running...




And running until his voice got lost in the distance...

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