Chapter 11

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"You woke up early Naruto!" I heard Temari say while carrying some bags with food. "Being a father seems troublesome for you huh?"

"Nah, I'm doing fine" I replied.

She looked at me skeptically before speaking. "Something's going on. You're never this quiet."

"How did you-?!"

"Karin's over there" she pointed at a small camp were she usually spend her mornings. "You should have a talk to her while I help Boruto with his training.."

I nodded and went to Karin's place. She was organizing some of her stuff.

"Morning Naruto!" she said.

"Hey, Karin" I said, "Look I need to speak to you.."

"Okay, what is it?" she said.

"Well, you see uh...I've been wondering..."


"Well, it's been a long time and.."

"Spit it out will ya'?" she said quite annoyed. I sighed.

"I was wondering about the Uzumaki clan's final prophecy." I said. Karin's face changed and turned more serious.

"So? What about it?" she asked.

"Look I grew up with the Uchiha clan, and now I'm here and finally I know who am I. Now I realized that what the Uchiha clan's done with our people is way wrong -ttebayo. I bet they're still doing that with them and I feel that I want to do something to stop them dattebayo..."

I looked at her with determination.

"I want to free them."

Her jaw dropped before getting into a big wided smile. "I knew you were the one! Mother and father always told me about a kid like you."

"So, will you help me?" I asked.

"I can't go with you because I must do my part for the sake of the village, but we can do a small group to go with you" she said, "Well, if they accept."

I nodded knowing what she meant. They were free people so how would they give it all away to comeback to a land were they will get enslaved for sure?

"Oh and you'll need this.." Karin said before handing me a small necklace. "The legend says that with this necklace you'll have a spiritual connection with our ancestors. They'll help you do the task."

Then she left me alone with it. I looked at the necklace, it had the Uzumaki clan's symbol. "Seems pretty common dattebayo.." I said while putting it on.

Suddenly the necklace glowed in a orange-yellow light that covered my body. Suddenly I founded myself in a strange dimension. There was nothing around me. I tried to take away my necklace but I couldn't.

"Dammit now what did I do?!?!" I said while trying to pull out the necklace.

"You should calm yourself a little bit, Naruto."

I froze. It was a sweet female voice that spoke to me. I turned around and saw a woman with long red hair. Also there was a tall man with yellow hair and blue eyes who was standing right beside her.

"W-who are you?!?" I asked. The woman giggled sadly.

"Oh right, I guess you don't know who we are..." the man said in a sad tone.

"Wait, should I know -ttebayo?"

"Yeah" the woman said, "I got to know you though, but the circumstances made me take a hard choice for you.."

"And sadly, I died at war so I couldn't protect you properly.." the man said.

I felt tears falling through my face. "You..." I suddenly hugged both of them tightly while crying. They are my parents, they were here! And I can touch them.

"Naruto.." They both said.

I broke the hug, "Wow! What should I say.. I have a lot of questions for you dattebayo!"

"Well, ask away!" mother said.

"Well, how did you guys met?"

"Naruto!!!! Not that question dattebane!!!" mother said while blushing. Father just smiled awkwardly.

"Well, your mother Kushina and I met during a mission." said my father while trying to calm the situation, "I was assigned to bodyguard the heiress from the Uzumaki clan."

"Oh I know! So mother was the heiress from the clan right?" I asked while grinning "'Cause you know, mother's beautiful dattebayo!"

They both laughed.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Well, I thank you for complimenting me Naruto but no, I wasn't the heiress. I just worked as a servant at the main house." Kushina explained.

"And during my mission the Uchiha clan tried to kill the heiress. I got injured though, so Kushina was the one assigned to treat me." father said.

"And that's how I met your father Minato!" mother added.

"But we don't have much time now, you have a task to do, Naruto.." father said while turning serious. "You were chosen to free our people. You know the Uchihas well enough to persuade them."

I nodded, "But I ran away a long time ago. They'll never forgive me..And besides, the slaves hate me because I've been one of them -ttebayo!" Suddenly I received a punch in the head by my mother.

"I didn't vow on the river to deliver you well so you come back to tell me this now dattebane! Where's your will of fire?!" mother said.

"Okay okay! But how do I covince the people to trust me? I'm one against a whole Uchiha Empire!" I said.

"Naruto" father said, "You are the living truth of the prophecy. You have to believe in it first. Our ancestors predicted all of this and it happened. You are our only hope."

"You are the key to free us from years of torture and slavery. I know you will do it because it's your ninja way, and we'll help you to achieve that." added my mother whike both of them started to vanished. They both hugged me before leaving.

"We trust you Naruto.."

Suddenly I woke up by the freezing water Tenten and Neji throwed at me.

"What the hell dattebayo!" I yelled.

"You were talking while sleeping so I woke you up." Tenten said.

"Also Karin wants you to meet your new teammates for your journey" Neji added.

I stood up determined and walked to Karin. She was talking with Temari, Sai and Hinata.

"So, you're ready?" asked Karin.

"Yeah, I know what to do now" I looked at Hinata. "You're coming? What about Boruto? It's way to dangerous for you two.."

"Neji and Hanabi will take care of him while we're gone." she said. Oh right! Hanabi passed her title to Neji so he's now the new leader of the Hyuga clan.

"So when do we leave, Naruto?" asked  Sai while I looked with determination at the necklace I was wearing.

"Right now." I said.

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