10k????? Extra Chapter

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To all readers (faithful, not-so-much or whatever), thank you so much. I won't go into too much cheesy details, but...

You read the title. 10k reads. 10.1k, actually, but...


To those who read my story once, who voted and commented, who followed me and added my story to their reading lists, I honestly cannot thank you enough. It may seem cliche, but I wasn't expecting anyone to see this story, yet alone 10,811 people. And counting.

Yes, as of the last time I checked (5 minutes ago, when I logged into my accont), there were 10,811 views.

So, as a HUGE thank you, I'm writing you guys another chapter. One I didn't put in the book, but DEFINITELY believe should have happened.

Imagine it (I would say between chapter this and that, but nobody can remember the chapter numbers) at the part where Layla (still as Layla) is having a sleepover with the Fairy Tail Guild. She has fallen asleep between Gajeel and Natsu, having tried on all the girls' outfits and played Truth or Dare with everbody. It's totally irrelevant to the plot, but it's a fun chapter... I hope.

Hope you enjoy!!!


Lucy's POV

I yawned, stretching my small arms over my head and accidentally hitting Gajeel with one of my fists. He chuckled gently, grasping my fist with his hand. "Did you just punch me, Layla?"

A sheepish smile crossed my face. "Maybe." I giggled, my brown eyes mischeviously glinting. Gajeel's face morphed into a nice but evil smile as he let go of my fist, reaching behind us to... pillows.

He was reaching towards pillows. I know what happens when people reach for pillows.

I pushed Natsu forwards with all of my might, grabbing the only other pillow on the bed, behind him. "What are you doing, Layla?" Natsu chuckled, moving out of the way. I didn't reply; only grabbing the pillow and turning around to face Gajeel, my defenses up and ready.

"It's on, Layla." he told me, getting ready to strike.

I readied myself too, holding the pillow behind my head. Natsu must've caught on, because he, too, had found a pillow and was getting ready to throw it at whoever striked first.

Gajeel made the first move, slamming his pillow into me. The pillow, unfortunately, was literally almost my size, so it almost pushed me off of the bed, until Natsu caught me and threw his pillow hard at Gajeel. Gajeel laughed, before picking up Natsu's pillow and throwing them both at Natsu.

Natsu, who still had me in his arms, raised me up as a sort of shield, and I squealed as the two pillows made impact. The squeal got everyone else's attention, and they all started to find their own 'weapons'.

I laughed, holding still with my own pillow. Everyone was equipped. Nobody dared to make the first move.

We waited.

And waited.

And then waited some more.

You know, this one position is getting kind of tirin-

"PILLOW FIGHT!" Mirajane yelled, and suddenly everyone was hitting everyone else. I began to hit at Gajeel, making sure to pull his long hair that had fallen over his front shoulders every now and then. Levy, who had found me in the crowd, decided to help me in tormenting Gajeel, who weirdly seemed to enjoy being hit by the both of us.

Natsu and Gray were angrily hitting each other with pillows; the smiles gone from their faces. Well, they were taking this seriously.

I giggled as I watched everyone, whilst attacking Gajeel. They were all smiling and hitting each other; apart from Evergreen and Elfman, who were angrily hitting each other, but were both so obviously enjoying it. Those two were far too competitive.

I paused from hitting Gajeel, letting Levy continue by herself. I crawled under the bed, seeking refuge for just a second. Pillow fighting was hard, and the room was getting stuffy.

"Layla?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I turned my head.

"Wendy? What are you doing hiding?"

Wendy chuckled quietly. "I can't really do good in these kinds of things. I tend to just hide. What about you?"

"I got tired." I shrugged. "And bored."

Wendy chuckled. "How about we go out and fight together? We could do a wind and water unison raid and soak everyone in the room."

I laughed. "That would be funny."

Wendy nodded. "So do you want to do it?"

I nodded. "I'm in. Let's go."

We both rolled out from under the bed like spies, if I say so myself, before sneaking through the distracted Fairy Tail guild and ending up in the corer of the room. I took Wendy's hand, beginning to recite the spell in my head.

"One," Wendy began.


"Water/Sky Dragon's Roar!" we both yelled, releasing our magic onto everyone. They all stopped fighting, their pillows blown to the other side of the room.

I surveyed the room, before bursting into hysterical laughter. "It looks like Elfman wet his pants."

Elfman went a bright red colour, like Erza's hair. "A real man doesn't wet his pants!"

"Gray too!" Wendy pointed out, making us both double over in laughter.

Makarov walked into the room, causing everyone to be quiet. "What the heck is going on here?"

He was met with silence.

"You're having a pillow fight..." the small man began. "Without me?"

He grabbed all of the pillows with his now-giant hand. Cool powers. "Attack!" he yelled, throwing them all at us.

We laughed, beginning to fight back and dodge pillows.

Staying with the Fairy Tail Guild today was a really good idea.

Little Lucy Heartfilia (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now